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Tuesday, 25 July 2017

5 Steps To Becoming A Luck Magnet Today.

Why do some guys get all the luck ? The answer is not far fetch. Lucky guys go for success but success comes to those who thing themselves lucky and work towards making themselves a luck magnet.

1.  WORK hard, but make it look easy. Instant millionaires are the exception. Most lucky people put in the groundwork , but hard graft alone is not enough. The secret is to work hard but not to make others aware you are toiling away. When you make life look easy, people think you are lucky. Why? Because we all have fears and when we meet someone who seems to work hard without complaining and controls self doubt, we instantly feel at ease and offer them opportunities , but you need to draw the line between cocky and lucky.

2. TIMING is important. Make time for great timing. Distractions are the enemy of lucky people. If you can not get work done you would not be free to create luck. People who always have one eye on their opportunities and another on their wristwatch free themselves up to follow up on and create opportunities. You just can not be lucky if you are always working.
 You may get promoted eventually  but it is likely to be long after the luckier people who were able to network , get around , talk to colleagues and attend meetings.

3. BEND but do not break. Lucky people achieve their goals because they regard the word 
"NO" as meaning "NOT THIS WAY", let us look for another. They adapt when things do not go according to the plan. This does not mean they have not got conviction , it means they are open minded and willing to experiment , to make mistakes , to take time out if need be and explore new possibilities. Do not  view mistakes as failures- look at them as learning experiences. Many good luck stories come from unlucky events- a job loss leads to a great business idea and rejection leads to success.

4. EXPECT luck. A recent study concluded that people who think they are lucky have an upbeat attitude that helps them work harder to get what they want. If you have ever worn your lucky suit or carried a rabbit's foot you'll know that physical things do not have special luck , they bring luck because you expect them to.

5. TALK luck. Creating good fortune is a skill and an attitude anyone can master including you. According to Psychologists , lucky people know how to attract  good luck and made everyone help them get  what they want. Let us face it- traditional luck does not exist , you have to make it happen and here is HOW ? Claim your luck magnet.

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