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Sunday, 27 March 2016

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REAL INTERNET INCOME.: REAL INTERNET INCOME.: 10 Daily Habits That Will M...: REAL INTERNET INCOME.: 10 Daily Habits That Will Make You A Millionaire. : 10 DAILY HABITS THAT WILL MAKE YOU A MILLIONAIRE. You have to ...

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REAL INTERNET INCOME.: 10 Daily Habits That Will Make You A Millionaire.

REAL INTERNET INCOME.: 10 Daily Habits That Will Make You A Millionaire.: 10 DAILY HABITS THAT WILL MAKE YOU A MILLIONAIRE. You have to pay the cost if you want to be the boss. The cost is discipline. No leade...

10 Daily Habits That Will Make You A Millionaire.


You have to pay the cost if you want to be the boss.
The cost is discipline. No leader can achieve success without a certain level of discipline. A disciplined person is willing and able to give up short-term pleasure to achieve long-term gains. Of course, becoming disciplined requires you to have daily habits. Only disciplined people with habits can turn their lives around.
Habits can change the direction of our lives. While some people have pitiful habits, like gossiping; others have powerful ones, like praising others. No matter who you are or where you came from, your habits can make or break you. What are your habits? Where are they leading you?
People ask me all the time, “What are your daily habits? What time do you wake up? What do you do when you get up in the morning?” These questions make me chuckle because I used to ask the same questions when I started my journey to success. The only difference between you and I is that you’re actually getting the answers right now.
Here are 10 habits that will make you a millionaire:

1. Studying.

First and foremost, you should never go a day without learning. Learning can happen in all forms. Personally, I study every day for a minimum of three hours. This includes the following habits: Reading the dictionary, reading books, watching videos, reviewing and replying to comments, talking to my coach, etc.
Out of all of this, reading is most important. Every day, without fail, I get to my books and soak in as many ideas I can. I also put my phone in another room as I drink in the knowledge and wisdom of these books. All the books in the world have all the answers in the world. I can afford to miss a meal, but I can’t afford to miss a book!
The greatest university of all is a collection of books. –Thomas Carlyle

2. Setting goals.

Every day, you should make it your duty to set your goals. With my composition book, I write down everything that I want to accomplish for the month, year, and decade. This process fascinates me and gets me to think bigger and step over the small problems in life. To date, I have over 100 of these composition books in my garage.
Let’s say you have a goal to live a lavish lifestyle within the next 10 years. If you want to achieve this goal, you list some ideas which correspond with it. For instance, you list the following ideas for the year: A private jet, 10-bedroom mansion, personal chef, Rolls Royce, etc. When you come up with these ideas, you’ll get really excited about where your life is heading.
If you can view it, you can do it!

3. Planning.

You can set endless goals, but you need plans to achieve them. First, you’ll need to break down those 10 year goals into years, months, weeks, and days. Once you break them down into smaller parts, you’ll have to come up with some actionable steps to achieve those results and find a way to hold yourself accountable.
One of my clients had big goals to be a professional speaker. However, he didn’t know how to plan. I told him that he’ll have to set the stage high (no pun intended) and make plans to achieve his goals. I told him that if he gave 120 speeches in a year, he would reach his goals. I helped him break it down to 10 per month, which is 1 speech for every third day. After we planned, he admitted that his goals felt more achievable!
Plan your work, work your plans.

4. Networking.

In the new millennium, we have so many new ways to get and stay connected. To network effectively, you’ll have to be a producer, not a consumer. This means you have to network aggressively, not passively. Don’t wait for emails or phone calls to come to you. Instead, make an effort to reach out to others. Realize that networking is a daily habit.
I use a special system called the ‘Rule of 10.’ This rule allows me to send 10 text messages, 10 phone calls, and 10 emails per day. On top of this, I’m constantly making videos, giving speeches, and writing articles, which allows me to reach the masses. I’m also posting several times per day on all of my social media accounts. This is networking at its finest.
The people you are looking for are also looking for you.

5. Journaling.

Everyone needs time to think. In order to think effectively, you should keep a journal. It allows you to reflect upon the day and ask serious questions. In addition, you’ll be able to keep track of stories, ideas, jokes, lessons, quotes, successes, failures, and more. You can keep track of who you met and where you went.
Every day, I write a minimum of four pages in my journal. Up to date, I have cherished two dozen journals. It gives me time to reflect on my greatest accomplishes, challenges, and opportunities. Sometimes, I’ll journal incessantly for over an hour. When I look back in my journals, I’m often astounded from my journey. Furthermore, it’s good to leave some notes behind for future generations.
It's not the number of hours you put in, but what you put in the hours. -Abraham Lincoln

6. Exercising.

To be successful in life, your body must perform at the highest level. Your mind is constantly asking your body to do the unexpected and you must be prepared. The best way to prepare your body is by exercising, even when it’s inconvenient. Once your body is prepared for opportunities, you’ll be able to navigate through the oceans of success.
Imagine the feeling of perspiration dripping after a great workout. It’s a good feeling, right? If this is the case, why debate with yourself about whether you should workout or not? Why not make it a habit to work out 3-5 times per week for an hour or less per day? Not only will you gain unprecedented endurance, but get all of your work done before the end of the day.

7. Relaxing.

Only powerful people know how to rest. After all, that’s when they get most of their power. Some people get so tensed up over time that they burn out. When you get too fatigued or stressed, you lose concentration, then control. A person who doesn’t learn how to relax ends up wasting the precious time they could have saved.
You need to zone out every once in a while. We all naturally zone-out. Find a healthy discipline that sedates you. Usually, I’ll take some time to cook a great meal or take a walk in my neighborhood. Other times, I’ll put on some jazz music and have a friendly conversation with a loved one. Even in the midst of a serious deadline, these relaxing adventures will help you abscond from the worries in life. Worrying is the greatest waste of imagination.

8. Affirming.

Every day, we get a moment to talk to ourselves. The average human being speaks to themselves at least 12,000 times per day. The difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful person is what they say to themselves. What you say to yourself can dramatically alter your life. Click this link to find out some of the greatest affirmations you can make.
The other day, I heard a person say, “Daniel, I wish I could be half of what you have been!” Wow!! Even though I felt elevated for a moment, I must admit that a person wanting to be ‘half of me’ would never be that much. Truthfully, I’m a successful person who’s been relentlessly reciting his affirmations on a couple note-cards every night for several years.

9. Mastering your craft.

Every day, you must be working on your craft. Each of us has been innately gifted with a talent(s) that must be exercised on a daily basis. If you don’t use it, you lose it. Mastery takes years to cultivate, but if you’re willing to be the best at what you do, there won’t be much competition.
As I sat up bleary-eyed, I was determined to finish writing this article. Even though I tackled major challenges throughout my 20 hour day, I still pursue greatness at 4:32 am. On your way to mastery, you’ll forget about the following things: time, food, bathroom breaks, interruptions, pains, sexual urges, and even limitations.
“Every master was once a disaster.” –T. Harv Eker.

10. Masterminding.

Successful people have learned to organize the right relationships in their lives. This means that their closest people are nurturing them mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Even if you see a ‘solo act’ like a musician, you must also account for those who are behind the scenes: make-up artist, manager, sound technicians, voice coach, etc.
However, your mastermind doesn’t form without effort. It takes time to carefully select the right people. More importantly, the right relationships will form naturally when you learn more about what you’re doing. Eventually, your hand-picked team will bring out the best in you and help you overcome the greatest challenges you’ve ever faced.
All of these habits require the utmost discipline. You must communicate your needs to others so that they can support you in your habits. When you seek constant improvement and refine your lifestyle by letting these habits customises you.
To Your Success.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016



REAL INTERNET INCOME.: Social MediaTrending : 16 Tips To Dominate Social ...

REAL INTERNET INCOME.: Social MediaTrending : 16 Tips To Dominate Social ...: SOCIAL MEDIA TRENDING : 16 TIPS TO DOMINATE SOCIAL MEDIA NOW! 16 Tips to Dominate Social Media Now!

Social MediaTrending : 16 Tips To Dominate Social Media Now!


16 Tips to Dominate Social Media Now!

social-media-icons-generic-ss-1920-800x450Now that 2016 is well under-way, it’s a great time to take stock of take stock of the social media landscape and look ahead to the endless possibilities of the future. You’ve seen all the “success stories” – talking about their exponential growth, sure-fire tricks, and guaranteed business propulsion tactics. Why can’t you do that? What are they doing that you aren’t?
Is social media going to be the silver bullet that rockets you to success this year too?
To be honest. Probably not. Most likely not.
You see, social media isn’t some fancy overnight trick to all of a sudden grow your business by 1248% (or whatever other ridiculous growth projection these people are flaunting).
What social media is, is a tool, in your entire business strategy. And it takes work. A lot of work. You need to know what you’re doing. Then you have to do that well. And then you have to do that over and over and over again.
I’m not trying to make it sound like it can’t be done. Because, yes, social media can absolutely transform your business. I’m living proof of that. But, you can’t just “try” social media. And you can’t just do a couple small things and expect it to work overnight.
So, if you’re still with me, want to stand out from the competition this year, and are willing to understand what it will really take to dominate social media in 2016, here are my 16 tips.

How to Dominate Social Media

1. Put in the Work

I just said it, so let me say it again.
If you actually want to see success with social media in 2016, you need to put in the work.
This can be 30 minutes a day or 8 hours a day. Or anywhere in the middle. The amount of time doesn’t necessarily matter. It’s the quality of the work you put into it. And how well you use that time to actually produce results.
It means doing the next 15 tips and more. Consistently. It means not going down the rabbit hole of content on social media for hours and then calling it a day. It means actually doing the work.

2. Set up a Strategy

If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know how much I advocate for a solid social media strategy.
No, if you build it, they will not just come. If you keep trying to see what sticks, you’ll waste more time than you have to spare.
So, figure out what you actually want this year. Then make a plan to actually achieve it.

3. Target Your Ideal Customer

If you’re not speaking directly to the people who will buy from you, you’re wasting your time.
Figure out who your ideal audience is. Is it existing customers or potential customers, or both? What are the demographics of this audience – age, gender, education, geographical location, income level, etc.?
Then start writing your content as though you are talking to that specific person. The more your message and content is targeted to this purpose, the better results you will see.

4. Use Quality Visuals

Visual marketing has been the buzzword for multiple years now. And this year is no exception.
But, it’s not “just” visuals anymore. It’s all about quality visuals.
Everyone is using photos. More and more people are using videos. People are live streaming now. So, if you want your content to even stand a chance of getting seen, it better be the best dang visual you can create.
Take better photos. Edit them to make them even better. Don’t post anything that isn’t worthy of your brand.
Take better videos. Get better audio equipment, use better lighting, add post-editing functions like graphics and music. Whether you film live or record it, make sure the setting is the best you can create. And, no, this doesn’t mean you have to go spend thousands of dollars on equipment and software. But you will have to get smart about the tools you use.

5. Write Better Captions

We live in a sea of overwhelm when it comes to content. If you actually want people to stop and read your content, you have to make it worth their while.
Gone are the days of posting a link with just a post title. No. That’s just not going to stand out. Take a little time to tell people what’s valuable in that post.
Don’t just share a photo or video either. Explain it. Tell a story. Ask a question. Whatever you do, write better copy and captions to actually invite your audience to participate.

6. Share Your Story

We all have a story. And people want to connect with people. People share stories. So share your story.
Find fun ways to talk about your story. It could be a short item you share every week (maybe a #throwbackthursday post) or a monthly editorial about why you started your business. Maybe it’s what inspired your new product.
It doesn’t have to be the over-sharing, super personal story. But behind everything is a story.
Whatever it is. Tell your story.

7. Provide Real Education

We’ve all talked about the value of sharing quality content and educating your audience. This year is no different. In fact, you should focus on this more.
More people are reading blogs, listening to podcasts, watching live streams, and following every social media platform to LEARN. They want to know how to do something for themselves, do something better, try something new, or just be smarter.
If you can help educate, you can grow your audience and your success.

8. Run Contests

Some platforms are easier and produce better results when it comes to running contests so you’ll have to determine what works best for you and your business.
If you really want to grow your audience effectively and quickly, a well-executed contest can produce unmatched results.
But, you have to do them well. And your prize, purpose, and targeting needs to be focused on your business.

9. Offer Exclusive Discounts and Promotions

If you really want social media to drive sales and results, offer discounts or run promotions exclusively to your social media audiences. This may mean you run a discount only on Facebook. Or it might be something you offer to all of your social media profiles, but not your list or in store.
Doing these types of campaigns will allow you to push the attention to your social media account(s) and push sales to these exclusive audiences.
Yes, you can (and should) promote to other sources (social media platforms, list, etc.) that you are running this campaign on the other platform. Cross promotion grows your audience with your other existing fans and still rewards them, while pushing your results higher.

10. Ads

Yes, I said it. You have to start investing in ads this year.
There are plenty of ways to use social media without investing real dollars into ads. But, if you want to boost your results, get faster results, and push ahead of your competition, you’ll need to use ads in some context.
Almost every major social media channel provides paid advertising options now. Find out what makes sense for you, set a budget, and start using these ads.

11. Take Advantage of Advocates

There are already a lot of people who want to help you. You just need to find them and capitalize on their willingness!
These could be employees, long standing customers, new happy customers, mentors, and many others. If they love your product(s) or business and are willing to speak out on your behalf, find ways to encourage them and reward them.

12. User Generated Content

Many of your advocates you will find when they post about your business. They may post a photo or comment about their positive experience with your company. These testimonials and showcases of your company are incredibly valuable to your business.
You can also encourage your customers to create this content. Give them clear instructions on what kind of content you like to share from your customers. Invite them to use a hashtag or tag you when they share content.
Ask that person if you can reshare their content (comment, post, etc.) to your account. Use this impactful user generated content to boost your company’s reputation and build your business.

13. Engage

It’s one word. Engage.
This year, more than any other in the past, you are expected to actually engage with your audience. Respond to questions, offer assistance, handle customer service issues, thank someone for saying something nice.
If they have taken the time to mention you in any way, you can pretty much assume that they are expecting you to respond. So do it.
Oh, and do it faster than slower. The faster the response, the more your audience will appreciate it. And in today’s super active online world, customers expect quick responses.

14. Know Your Legal Constraints

Social media has been a relatively rogue environment in the past because it has grown faster than any government oversight can keep up with it. But that’s changing now. And there are plenty of legal implications you need to be aware of.
Know your local, state, federal (or other) laws regarding marketing, advertising, running contests, gambling (yes, a contest can be considered gambling), promoting products, sharing an affiliate link, using someone else’s image or copyrighted content…. the list goes on and on.
Don’t fall prey to “everyone else is doing it” or “I’ve always done it this way”. These can – and will – backfire.

15. Track Your Analytics

How do you know if social media is actually working? Because you track stuff.
As much or as little as you can. But you need to track it in order to know  how far your marketing strategy have gone.