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Showing posts with label home based business opportunity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home based business opportunity. Show all posts

Monday, 30 January 2017

Online Business : 10 Steps To Becoming A Millionaire.


 Have you be taking of small business solutions to make your dream of becoming a millionaire this year a reality? Have you try many online business but none have taking you to promise land? 
Have you missed many online business opportunity because of the fear of been scammed? Whatever your situations, I have found this 10 steps to becoming a millionaire a useful article you need to read. Read on and find time to think over it.

10 Steps To Becoming A Millionaire
1. Follow the Money.
In today’s economic environment, you cannot save your way to millionaire status. The first step is to focus on increasing your income in increments and repeating that. If you made $100 this month try and make $200 next month. Calculate how much you need to make everyday to make $200 a month! (200/30= $6.67 per day)! Now focus on that goal everyday! Follow the money throughout your day and figure out the opportunities in your life that can make you that $6.67 per day! If you fail today, add it up to your goal for the next day (aim for 13,34 the next day!).
Follow the Money!

2. Don’t Show Off – Show Up.
Don’t buy your luxury watch or car until your businesses and investments are producing multiple secure flows of income.
Be known for your work ethic, not the trinkets you buy.
Don't Show off! Show Up!
3. Save to Invest, Don’t Save To Save.
The only reason to save money is to invest it.  Put your saved money into secured, sacred (untouchable) accounts. Never use these accounts for anything – not even an emergency.
This will force you to continue to follow step one (increase income).
Save to Invest, Don’t Save To Save!
4. Avoid Debt That Doesn't Pay You.
Make it a rule that you never use debt that won’t make you money. Borrowed money for a car only because if you know It could increase your income.
Rich people use debt to leverage investments and grow cash flows. Poor people use debt to buy things that make rich people richer.
This is the difference between assets and liabilities! Assets generate more income for you, while liabilities don't generate more income for you and sometimes can even cost you more money in the long run.
Avoid Debt That Doesn't Pay You!

5. Treat Money Like a Jealous Lover.
Millions wish for financial freedom, and only those who make it a priority have millions. To get rich and stay rich, you will have to make it a priority.
Money is like a jealous lover. Ignore it and it will ignore you, or worse, it will leave you for someone who makes it a priority.
Treat Money Like a Jealous Lover!
6. Money Doesn't Sleep.
Money doesn't know about clocks, schedules or holidays and you shouldn't, either. Money loves people that have great work ethic.
Never try to be the smartest or luckiest person; just make sure you outwork everyone.
Money Doesn't Sleep.
7. Poor Makes No Sense.
Eliminate any and all ideas that being poor is somehow okay.
Bill Gates said to a group of college graduates, “It’s not your fault if you were born poor; it is your fault if you stay poor.”
Poor Makes No Sense!
8. Get a Millionaire Mentor.
Most of us are brought up middle class or poor and then hold ourselves to the limits and ideas of that group.
Get your own personal millionaire mentor and study him or her. Most rich people are extremely generous with their knowledge and their resources.
Get a Millionaire Mentor!
9. Get Your Money to Do the Heavy Lifting.
Investing is the Holy Grail in becoming a millionaire and you should make more money off your investments than your work. 
If you don’t have surplus money you won’t make investments.
Investing is the only reason to do the other steps, and your money must work for you and do your heavy lifting.
Get Your Money to Do the Heavy Lifting!
10. Shoot for $10 million, not $1 million.
The single biggest financial mistake people make is not thinking big enough. We encourage you to go for more than a million.
There is no shortage of money on this planet, only a shortage of people thinking big enough.
Apply these 10 steps and they will make you rich. Steer clear of people who suggest your financial dreams are born of greed.
Avoid get-rich-quick schemes, be ethical, never give up and once you make it, be willing to help others get there, too.
If you liked this information please share! Together we can change the system!
Let us know when you get there.
Be great. Nothing else pays.

Friday, 29 April 2016

7 Reasons We Are Successful And You Are Not.


Not Thinking Business

One of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen people make is not thinking their business is an “actual business”. It doesn’t matter if you’re online and writing content for your readers, you have to ensure you always have the business mentality. This concept applies especially to those getting started because making the transition from a 9-5 can be difficult. These beginners often get lazy and work odd hours of the day, forgetting their blog is their main source of income. The best way to succeed in these circumstances is to train yourself, still working 9-5, but from home. When you are comfortable, you can shift things around to better fit your schedule. Here’s the point…
A business, whether physical or online, should be treated as a business. If it’s going to be your main source of income, then it’s a business…plain and simple!

You’re Not Passionate

If you don’t love what you do, then you’ll put 50% effort when you should be putting 100%. Having passion for the work you’re involved in will help you stay motivated and go that extra mile that otherwise would have been impossible in other niches you don’t love. Ask any successful person and they’ll tell you they love what they do and kept doing it even when there was no monetary value involved. For example,
Before I started blogging, I did research, trying to find ways to stand out in my niche. During my research, I read several blogs and how they got started. One huge trend I noticed among all the successful bloggers was they made no money for 1-2 years when they first started out. However, they still worked hard because they love what they do and knew they were making a difference helping others. It’s that simple!
If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to be able to put 100% effort without getting anything back in return. Only then will you succeed and others will be able to see your passion in your work. This is great for brand awareness and credibility.

Poor Managing Money

It’s important that you know when to spend your money and when to hold on to it. If you want to buy a new computer, desk, or go out to fancy lunches, then step back and ask yourself this question: Do I really need these things right now? If you’ve just started out, you need to save because hard times can be around the corner. If you’re making huge money online, you still need to be great at managing your finances. The more money, the more problems, which means you waste it on things that might not be good for you or your business.
Only spend money when you know it will help productivity and keep a close eye on your bank account. Set a monthly budget and stick to it because it is better to be safe than sorry.

Not Networking With Others

No matter what business you’re in, you have to learn how to work with others. You’re going to have competition and some of these people have been in your niche for years. They built a strong following through social networks and branding themselves. If you don’t embrace your competition, you won’t last long, so learn how to work with them, helping each other. This is great for you as it does the following…
  • You can learn from their experience
  • Generate traffic through their blog
  • Guest posting opportunities
  • Increase social engagement
  • Build your brand recognition

No Game Plan

Relying on one business model can set you up for failure especially online because it’s so unpredictable. As time goes on, you’ll be hit with adversity and you must have a game plan to overcome these obstacles. Before starting your business, do some research, finding out the problems faced within your industry. You can then come up with a game plan for each obstacle along the way. This helps you stay focused and not lose motivation if you’re hit with the unexpected.
For example, what are you going to do if…
  • Your marketing plan isn’t working?
  • You need to change your website and don’t know coding?
  • Need expert content written?
  • Hosting provider cannot handle your traffic?
Having the answers to these simple questions will keep you from panicking when it happens, so keep an open mind and write out some quick solutions now.

Poor Time Management

Prioritize your time from the start and always give preference to your work before your recreational time. It’s been said that many people simply fail because they don’t know what’s important to them and this keeps their focus in other places other than work. You’ve made the transition to working from home, which can make you very lazy and you now have time that you would not otherwise have when trapped at work from 9-5. When you are running your own business, you won’t have anyone telling you to complete your projects and designate your time for you. You have to be willing to put in time when you have other things to do and, more importantly, learn how to manage your work.

Mr Know It All!

If you think you have all the answers, then it’ll stop you from finding them out. The truth is, you don’t know everything and writing high quality content does require research. If you think you have all the answers, then your content quality will suffer. No one wants to read content that is outdated and provides inadequate information so do your research every time before publishing. It’s better to be safe than sorry and providing up-to-date information means getting rewarded later on.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

10 Daily Habits That Will Make You A Millionaire.


You have to pay the cost if you want to be the boss.
The cost is discipline. No leader can achieve success without a certain level of discipline. A disciplined person is willing and able to give up short-term pleasure to achieve long-term gains. Of course, becoming disciplined requires you to have daily habits. Only disciplined people with habits can turn their lives around.
Habits can change the direction of our lives. While some people have pitiful habits, like gossiping; others have powerful ones, like praising others. No matter who you are or where you came from, your habits can make or break you. What are your habits? Where are they leading you?
People ask me all the time, “What are your daily habits? What time do you wake up? What do you do when you get up in the morning?” These questions make me chuckle because I used to ask the same questions when I started my journey to success. The only difference between you and I is that you’re actually getting the answers right now.
Here are 10 habits that will make you a millionaire:

1. Studying.

First and foremost, you should never go a day without learning. Learning can happen in all forms. Personally, I study every day for a minimum of three hours. This includes the following habits: Reading the dictionary, reading books, watching videos, reviewing and replying to comments, talking to my coach, etc.
Out of all of this, reading is most important. Every day, without fail, I get to my books and soak in as many ideas I can. I also put my phone in another room as I drink in the knowledge and wisdom of these books. All the books in the world have all the answers in the world. I can afford to miss a meal, but I can’t afford to miss a book!
The greatest university of all is a collection of books. –Thomas Carlyle

2. Setting goals.

Every day, you should make it your duty to set your goals. With my composition book, I write down everything that I want to accomplish for the month, year, and decade. This process fascinates me and gets me to think bigger and step over the small problems in life. To date, I have over 100 of these composition books in my garage.
Let’s say you have a goal to live a lavish lifestyle within the next 10 years. If you want to achieve this goal, you list some ideas which correspond with it. For instance, you list the following ideas for the year: A private jet, 10-bedroom mansion, personal chef, Rolls Royce, etc. When you come up with these ideas, you’ll get really excited about where your life is heading.
If you can view it, you can do it!

3. Planning.

You can set endless goals, but you need plans to achieve them. First, you’ll need to break down those 10 year goals into years, months, weeks, and days. Once you break them down into smaller parts, you’ll have to come up with some actionable steps to achieve those results and find a way to hold yourself accountable.
One of my clients had big goals to be a professional speaker. However, he didn’t know how to plan. I told him that he’ll have to set the stage high (no pun intended) and make plans to achieve his goals. I told him that if he gave 120 speeches in a year, he would reach his goals. I helped him break it down to 10 per month, which is 1 speech for every third day. After we planned, he admitted that his goals felt more achievable!
Plan your work, work your plans.

4. Networking.

In the new millennium, we have so many new ways to get and stay connected. To network effectively, you’ll have to be a producer, not a consumer. This means you have to network aggressively, not passively. Don’t wait for emails or phone calls to come to you. Instead, make an effort to reach out to others. Realize that networking is a daily habit.
I use a special system called the ‘Rule of 10.’ This rule allows me to send 10 text messages, 10 phone calls, and 10 emails per day. On top of this, I’m constantly making videos, giving speeches, and writing articles, which allows me to reach the masses. I’m also posting several times per day on all of my social media accounts. This is networking at its finest.
The people you are looking for are also looking for you.

5. Journaling.

Everyone needs time to think. In order to think effectively, you should keep a journal. It allows you to reflect upon the day and ask serious questions. In addition, you’ll be able to keep track of stories, ideas, jokes, lessons, quotes, successes, failures, and more. You can keep track of who you met and where you went.
Every day, I write a minimum of four pages in my journal. Up to date, I have cherished two dozen journals. It gives me time to reflect on my greatest accomplishes, challenges, and opportunities. Sometimes, I’ll journal incessantly for over an hour. When I look back in my journals, I’m often astounded from my journey. Furthermore, it’s good to leave some notes behind for future generations.
It's not the number of hours you put in, but what you put in the hours. -Abraham Lincoln

6. Exercising.

To be successful in life, your body must perform at the highest level. Your mind is constantly asking your body to do the unexpected and you must be prepared. The best way to prepare your body is by exercising, even when it’s inconvenient. Once your body is prepared for opportunities, you’ll be able to navigate through the oceans of success.
Imagine the feeling of perspiration dripping after a great workout. It’s a good feeling, right? If this is the case, why debate with yourself about whether you should workout or not? Why not make it a habit to work out 3-5 times per week for an hour or less per day? Not only will you gain unprecedented endurance, but get all of your work done before the end of the day.

7. Relaxing.

Only powerful people know how to rest. After all, that’s when they get most of their power. Some people get so tensed up over time that they burn out. When you get too fatigued or stressed, you lose concentration, then control. A person who doesn’t learn how to relax ends up wasting the precious time they could have saved.
You need to zone out every once in a while. We all naturally zone-out. Find a healthy discipline that sedates you. Usually, I’ll take some time to cook a great meal or take a walk in my neighborhood. Other times, I’ll put on some jazz music and have a friendly conversation with a loved one. Even in the midst of a serious deadline, these relaxing adventures will help you abscond from the worries in life. Worrying is the greatest waste of imagination.

8. Affirming.

Every day, we get a moment to talk to ourselves. The average human being speaks to themselves at least 12,000 times per day. The difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful person is what they say to themselves. What you say to yourself can dramatically alter your life. Click this link to find out some of the greatest affirmations you can make.
The other day, I heard a person say, “Daniel, I wish I could be half of what you have been!” Wow!! Even though I felt elevated for a moment, I must admit that a person wanting to be ‘half of me’ would never be that much. Truthfully, I’m a successful person who’s been relentlessly reciting his affirmations on a couple note-cards every night for several years.

9. Mastering your craft.

Every day, you must be working on your craft. Each of us has been innately gifted with a talent(s) that must be exercised on a daily basis. If you don’t use it, you lose it. Mastery takes years to cultivate, but if you’re willing to be the best at what you do, there won’t be much competition.
As I sat up bleary-eyed, I was determined to finish writing this article. Even though I tackled major challenges throughout my 20 hour day, I still pursue greatness at 4:32 am. On your way to mastery, you’ll forget about the following things: time, food, bathroom breaks, interruptions, pains, sexual urges, and even limitations.
“Every master was once a disaster.” –T. Harv Eker.

10. Masterminding.

Successful people have learned to organize the right relationships in their lives. This means that their closest people are nurturing them mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Even if you see a ‘solo act’ like a musician, you must also account for those who are behind the scenes: make-up artist, manager, sound technicians, voice coach, etc.
However, your mastermind doesn’t form without effort. It takes time to carefully select the right people. More importantly, the right relationships will form naturally when you learn more about what you’re doing. Eventually, your hand-picked team will bring out the best in you and help you overcome the greatest challenges you’ve ever faced.
All of these habits require the utmost discipline. You must communicate your needs to others so that they can support you in your habits. When you seek constant improvement and refine your lifestyle by letting these habits customises you.
To Your Success.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Maximising Your Income.


If someone wants Bronze TEAM Leader (BTL) Status – he or she should have at least one affiliate in his/her 1G (First Generation) – otherwise and according to the new rules there is no point to be a TEAM leader. 
In my opinion - the best way to be a BTL is to have not one but at least 3 EA2 in 1G and to set-up 125 TCredits Standing Order (SO) and THEN you’re on the real path to work, develop and expand your work and your TEAM. 

And earning of Versa Points (i.e. 2.000 Sales VPs & 1.000 ActionVPs needed for BTL Status) should be as follows: 
1. 1.500 SVPs (you have 125 Tcredits SO and you’re already an EA2) 
2. 100 AVPs (for your action of setting a SO) 
3. 125 AVPs: by using TCredits 125 in games and/or auctions during the month 
In total with the SO you secured: 1.500SVPs and 225 AVPs. 

Additional Action VPs should be obtained through the following ACTIONS: 
4. 20 AVPs - Monthly Actions 
5. 92 AVPs - Weekly Actions 
6. 420AVPs - Daily Actions (30daysx14AVPs=420 AVPs; during the month you should spent 2 TCs EVERY DAY 2 by 2 daily playing one EZ Game and placing one bid on one of Auctions – doing so you’ll get additional 2 AVPs each day – for turning your EZ and PB tab from red to green – instead of just 12 AVPs which you usually collect when you do not spend any TCs during the day) 
7. 10 AVPs (There are usually two Spin & Win during the month hiding somewhere in our monthly newsletters - find them and earn at least 2x5 AVPs) 
8. 100 AVPs - for support of one personally sponsored EA2 

In TOTAL (so far) you have: 
1.500 les Versa Points & 867 Action Versa Points 

So for confirming your BTL Status you should obtain additional: 500SVPs and 133AVPs 
- 500 Sales Versa Points would be easy to earn through your MRPs – Member Reward Points (you should have at least 630 MRPs to do the following: buy 1TC – pay it with 126
MRPs and get 102SVPs – repeat this for 5 times and you’ll have in total additional 510 SVPs (and 5TCredits) 
- 133AVPs – now, this is a bit more difficult (if you really do not have more than 1 EA2 in your G1 – please DO work on supporting 2 more EA2 and you would get in total 300AVPs for supporting your 3 EA2 in your G1) - optionally you have the following possibilities to get missing 133 AVPs and with some work & luck & maybe additional purchase of a TripleClicks product that you have never reviewed before you could combine one of the following: 
1. 100AVPs for each approved/activated ECA (E-Commerce Associate) you refer to TripleClicks, 
2. 25AVPs for TripleClicks product reviews, 
3. 50AVPs (max) as Bonus points won from Card King, 
4. 300AVPs points (max) through Gift Card Distribution, 
5. 25, 50 or 100AVPs for submitting most popular Ask SC answer… 
Good luck 
I really hope I’ve helped ? 

Was this answer helpful?

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Money Making Opportunity With Strong Future International(SFI) Marketing Group.


SFI (Strong Future International) Marketing Group was launched in 1998. Starting with just one product, sold only in the

 United States, SFI has now grown to more than 80,000 products and services (and growing daily) sold in more than 190 

countries around the world.

SFI was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide e-

commerce revolution. Anyone of legal age in his or her country can become an SFI affiliate for free by filling out an online 

registration form. There is no obligation or purchase requirements of any kind.

Once registered, affiliates are provided with professional Websites for marketing SFI's products on the Internet. SFI also 

provides all necessary sale support services, such as customer service, payment processing, and product shipment – all at
no cost to the affiliate. For each sale generated, SFI pays the referring affiliate a commission. Additional commissions can 

be earned by building and leading affiliate groups. 

  • Now in our 17th successful year
  • Millions of dollars paid out to our affiliates
  • 80,000+ commissionable products & services
  • In over 190 countries worldwide
  • World-class 24/7 support & training
  • Can do everything from your computer, tablet, or smartphone
  • Start earning money within minutes and it's ALWAYS FREE
 Sign up free today by Clicking the link below.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

I Need Money.

                                 I NEED MONEY.
 Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It is an opinion. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing. Have anybody told you that it would be impossible for you to achieve your Goal?
          If you're not already making money online I don't know what to tell you. Get In On This Now. This is so simple. I taught my Mom and some of my trusted friends how to create stream of extra income online and they are already making residual auto-pilot income daily.

The system is super in every aspect. If you are truly looking for a genuine online business opportunity, then you are in the right place at the right time. The money making system have been on for the past 17 years. It has created thousands of people as Millionaire.

 Get in to your ultimate home for financial freedom. Grab this opportunity before it is too late.
Into your hands O Lord I place my worries, cares and troubles.
Into your wisdom, O Lord I place my path, my direction and my goal.
Into your love, O Lord I place my whole life.
Let it be swell with me.
Click this link and sign up FREE.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Real Internet Income : Testimonials On A Powerful Platform For Multilevel Marketing.

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D. Scruggs
"Being new, I joined several programs. Having retired, I had the time to devote to each. The ONLY one that produced a commission in the first month was SFI. The ONLY one that gave me daily reports was SFI. The ONLY one I kept was SFI. Now I'll devote my energy to SFI."
H. Schmidhofer
"I have been in several network marketing companies, but never have I seen a system this impressive that does so much so quickly!"
P. Dunaway
"I have been involved in network marketing for over 20 years. I have never seen anything like SFI. If I had only known about SFI beforehand, I would have not wasted my time. Now, I am spreading the word to the whole world that there is nothing anywhere that can come close to SFI. "
R. Belmonte
"Bravo, SFI! I'm a success-conscious Nigerian who is now an instant leader and on my way to financial independence after embracing SFI marketing and its residual-income earning program. SFI possesses awesome, well-organized, and managed structure that produces the best ever imagined fortune for a committed affiliate in record time. "
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                                                                                  SIGN UP FREE HERE.
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"I joined SFI in September! This is the most well-established business I have ever been involved with. I am totally commited to SFI! To anyone desiring a online home business, this is the No. 1 opportunity to be involved with! Great support, benefits and, did I mention, FREE!"
S. Whitlock
"I must admit that I was a skeptic in the beginning, but I've now discovered the power of the SFI System. This company has the goods. I am on the way to making my new SFI Business a full-time venture. Don't miss the boat folks!"
W. Douglas
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P. Martin
"SFI works. I didn't think I could do anything like this, but I took the chance and have proven myself wrong."
K. Watson-Chivers