Okay prefer to bring in cash by beginning your own locally established business? Individuals decide to telecommute for a few reasons including the longing to remain at home with their youngsters, the requirement for additional pay, or basically being disappointed with their present place of employment. A locally established business will furnish you with an energizing method to bring in cash and work for yourself. Various open doors are accessible to web advertisers. When beginning your locally situated business you ought to build up a marketable strategy and examination your alternatives completely. Settling on insightful choices and following your marketable strategy at every turn can help you in making a constant flow of salary. Working a locally situated business will require difficult work and exertion. You won't become rich over night. It will accept assurance to prevail as a web advertiser. The measure of cash you cause will to be legitimately identified with the measure of work you are eager to do. When making your business arrangement, incorporate both short and long haul objectives. Decide how you will accomplish those objectives and put your arrangement without hesitation. Subsidiary projects are phenomenal locally established business projects and there are various other web showcasing offers that will make consistent salary on the off chance that you are happy to put forth the attempt. A portion of these open doors may require an underlying speculation from you and others are promoted as free. Exploration all web showcasing openings cautiously to ensure you comprehend the terms and conditions. As a web advertiser, you should separate yourself from the opposition in the event that you need to succeed. You should know your intended interest group and realize your opposition stunningly better. Try not to let self-question prevent you from achieving your objectives. Each effective web advertiser gives their business the absolute best exertion conceivable. Difficult work and assurance will make your locally established business a triumph and furnish you with a constant flow of salary. Beginning a locally established business is one of the most energizing and testing tries you will ever embrace. A sound marketable strategy and the will to succeed will separate you from the opposition. Pick the items or administrations you give cautiously. Make certain your administrations will be required over the long haul and make client care your main concern. A devoted client base is the way in to the achievement or disappointment of your locally situated business. A locally established business is a great method to pick up autonomy and monetary opportunity. A sound field-tested strategy and a solid hard working attitude are everything necessary to succeed.
How to make money online, Internet business today, Internet Marketing, Internet Marketing Service, Internet Marketing Company, Internet Marketing Agency, Internet strategies, Internet Marketing Strategy.
— stephen Adetunji (@sundayAdebiyi1) September 18, 2017
Showing posts with label business opportunities from home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business opportunities from home. Show all posts
Saturday, 15 August 2020
Okay prefer to bring in cash by beginning your own locally established business?
Monday, 9 September 2019
The Truth About Debt ConsolidationYou’re in deep with credit cards, student loan payments and car loans. Minimum monthly payments aren’t doing the trick to help nix your debt, and you’re flippin’ scared. Something has to change, and you’re considering debt consolidation because of the allure of one easy payment and the promise of lower interest rates.
Debt sucks. But the truth is debt consolidation loans and debt settlement companies suck even more. They don’t help you slay mammoth amounts of debt. In fact, you end up paying more and staying in debt longer because of so-called consolidation. Get the facts before you consolidate your debt or work with a settlement company.
Here are the top things you need to know before you consolidate your debt:
- Debt consolidation is a refinanced loan with extended repayment terms.
- Extended repayment terms mean you’ll be in debt longer.
- A lower interest rate isn’t always a guarantee when you consolidate.
- Debt consolidation doesn’t mean debt elimination.
- Debt consolidation is different from debt settlement. Both can scam you out of thousands of dollars.
What Is Debt Consolidation?
Debt consolidation is the combination of several unsecured debts—payday loans, credit cards, medical bills—into one monthly bill with the illusion of a lower interest rate, lower monthly payment and simplified debt-relief plan.
Get a FREE customized plan for your money in 3 minutes!
But here’s the deal: Debt consolidation promises one thing but delivers another. That’s why dishonest companies that promote too-good-to-be-true debt-relief programs continue to rank as the top consumer complaint received by the Federal Trade Commission.1
Here’s why you should skip debt consolidation and opt instead to follow a plan that helps you actually win with money:
When you consolidate, there’s no guarantee your interest rate will be lower.
The debt consolidation loan interest rate is usually set at the discretion of the lender or creditor and depends on your past payment behavior and credit score.
Even if you qualify for a loan with low interest, there’s no guarantee the rate will stay low. But let’s be honest: Your interest rate isn’t the main problem. Your spending habits are the problem.
Lower interest rates on debt consolidation loans can change.
This specifically applies to consolidating debt through credit card balance transfers. The enticingly low interest rate is usually an introductory promotion and applies for a certain period of time only. The rate will eventually go up.
Be on guard for “special” low-interest deals before or after the holidays. Some companies know holiday shoppers who don’t stick to a budget tend to overspend then panic when the bills start coming in.
And other loan companies will hook you with a low interest rate then inflate the interest rate over time, leaving you with more debt!
Consolidating your bills means you’ll be in debt longer.
In almost every case, you’ll have lower payments because the term of your loan is prolonged. Extended terms mean extended payments. No thanks! Your goal should be to get out of debt as fast as you can!
Debt consolidation doesn’t mean debt elimination.
You are only restructuring your debt, not eliminating it. You don’t need debt rearrangement—you need debt reformation.
Your behavior with money doesn’t change.
Most of the time, after someone consolidates their debt, the debt grows back. Why? They don’t have a game plan to pay cash and spend less. In other words, they haven’t established good money habits for staying out of debt and building wealth. Their behavior hasn’t changed, so it’s extremely likely they will go right back into debt.
How Does Debt Consolidation Really Work?
Let’s say you have $30,000 in unsecured debt—think credit cards, car loans and medical bills. The debt includes a two-year loan for $10,000 at 12% and a four-year loan for $20,000 at 10%.
Your monthly payment on the first loan is $517, and the payment on the second is $583. That’s a total payment of $1,100 per month. If you make monthly payments on them, you will be out of debt in 41 months and have paid a total of $34,821.
You consult a company that promises to lower your payment to $640 per month and your interest rate to 9% by negotiating with your creditors and rolling the two loans together into one. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Who wouldn’t want to pay $460 less per month in payments?
But here’s the downside: It will now take you 58 months to pay off the loan. And now the total loan amount would jump to $37,103.
So, that means you shelled out $2,282 more to pay off the new loan—even with the lower interest rate of 9%. This means your "lower payment" has cost thousands more. Two words for you: Rip. Off.
Credit card debt eating your lunch? Get those payments out of your life for good!
What’s the Difference Between Debt Consolidation and Debt Settlement?
There’s a huge difference between debt consolidation and debt settlement, although often the terms are used interchangeably. Pay attention here, because these crafty companies will stick it to you if you’re not careful.
We’ve already covered consolidation: It’s a type of loan that rolls several unsecured debts into one single bill. Debt settlement is different. Debt settlement means you hire a company to negotiate a lump-sum payment with your creditors for less than what you owe.
Debt settlement companies also charge a fee for their "service." Often, the fee is anywhere from 15–20% of your debt.
Think about it this way: If you owe $50,000, your settlement fees would range from $7,500–10,000. So basically, your debt would go from $50,000 to $57,000–60,000.
If that’s not bad enough, fraudulent debt settlement companies often tell customers to stop making payments on their debts and instead pay the company. Once their fee is accounted for, they promise to negotiate with your creditors and settle your debts.
Sounds great, right? Well, the debt settlement companies usually don’t deliver on helping you with your debt after they take your money. They’ll leave you on the hook for late fees and additional interest payments on debt they promised to help you pay!
Debt settlement is a scam, and any debt relief company that charges you before they actually settle or reduce your debt is in violation of the Federal Trade Commission.2 Avoid debt settlement companies at all costs.
The Fastest Way to Get Out of Debt
When you consolidate your debts or work with a debt settlement company, you’ll only treat the symptoms of your money problems and never get to the core of why you have issues in the first place.
You don’t need to consolidate your bills—you need to pay them off. To do that, you have to change the way you view debt!
Dave says, "Personal finance is 80% behavior and only 20% head knowledge." Even though your choices landed you in a pile of debt, you have the power to work your way out! You just need the right plan.
The solution isn’t a quick fix, and it won’t come in the form of a better interest rate, another loan or debt settlement. The solution requires you to roll up your sleeves, make a plan for your money, and take action! What’s the reward for your hard work? Becoming debt-free!http://charitydonor.blogspot.com/2019/06/maroon-5-donate-500k-ahead-of-super_27.html View
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
Friday, 14 June 2019
Tuesday, 1 January 2019
2019 : Finding The Purpose Of Financial Success.
For many people, the start of a new year signals an opportunity to start again. The turning of a calendar page, exposing an unblemished run of 365 days, feels like fresh opportunity. It’s not full of the mistakes of the past year; rather, it’s a new opportunity to begin again on whatever that journey may be.
It’s an incredibly powerful feeling, especially at first. The first days of a new journey are always the most exciting as you’re reveling in the novelty of a new routine, with new challenges and new ideas and new experiences
Read on here:
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Monday, 18 September 2017
7 Realistic Ways To Make Money Online.
Whether you're looking to make some fast cash, or you're after long-term, more sustainable income-producing results, there are certainly ways you can make money online today. The truth is that making money online isn't as difficult as most make it out to seem. It does require some discipline. Sure. Without discipline, you'll find it tough to make a buck both online or offline.
However, if you're looking for realistic ways you can start earning money online now, then it really truly does boil down to seven paths you can take towards profit. Some will provide you with immediate results, helping you to address your basic monthly necessities such as rent, utilities and groceries, while others have the potential to transform your life by revolutionizing your finances in the long term.
No matter what method you select for generating your online income, there's one very important thing to understand. Today, across this globe, with its 7+ billion inhabitants, there are two recurring things that people are looking for more of. Either people want more time or they want more money. The truth? Time is far more valuable than money. You can't recreate time. Once it's spent, it's gone forever. Not money.
Money can be earned and spent, saved and pilfered, invested and wasted. Not time. That's why time is far more valuable than money. The point? When you lack the luxury of time, making money online (or offline) can seem like an impossible task. How are you supposed to do that when you're working at a life-sucking nine-to-five job? While the stability of full-time employment might allow most to sleep well at night, it doesn't empower your creative juices to search for new income-producing strategies.
Now, this isn't about some get-rich-quick method here. If you want to get rich quick, forget about trying to do it on the internet. Sure, Facebook ads are all the craze, but without a serious understanding of the mechanics behind sales funnels and conversion optimizations, which only comes after years and years of in-the-trenches work in the internet marketing field, you're largely wasting your time trying to "get rich quick."
How to Make Money Online
No matter what method you end up using to generate an income on the web, you need to adjust your mindset to help empower you rather than discourage you. The truth? Making money online can be fraught with avoidable pitfalls. There's no shortage to the rah-rah cheers of internet marketers looking to find ways to ensure they part you from your hard-earned cash. The trick? Cancel the noise and get to the real meat and potatoes, so to speak.
To do that, you have to harbor a few fundamental guiding principles in your mind. Today, if you're at all serious about generating a full-time income (and more) from your online activities, then you need to focus on passive income as opposed to active income. Sure, the active income will help you survive. That's the scarcity mentality at play. But it's the passive income ideas that will help you thrive.
Considering that you have a finite amount of time, passive income should make up a large part of your work. And if you're serious about generating any semblance of income online, then passive income should be one of your sole goals and ambitions. Why? Simply this. Wouldn't you prefer to do the work one time and get paid repeatedly as opposed to relying on your time to generate that income?
Since time is the most precious commodity on this earth, invest the time at the front-end so that you can reap the benefits on the back-end. This means putting in a bit of sweat equity and not getting paid today. Rather, you'll get paid somewhere down the road. And you'll continue getting paid whether you keep building that passive income stream or you stop. It's obvious that this is the preferred route, but clearly the road less traveled.
Anyone interested in making money online should be pursuing passive income, while also working on active income. There are loads of ways to generate an income passively on the internet, many of which start at the foundation of having a blog, generating substantial traffic and building an audience and a list. Is it easy? Nope. Is it worth it? It sure is. But that doesn't mean you need to start a blog to make money online today.
You could opt for a non-blog-starting route. Sure. But if you're looking for longevity in your income-producing abilities on the internet, then a blog should be your primary aim.
Related: How Can App Makers Improve Revenue and Keep Users Engaged?
1. Leverage the app economy.
If you're looking to address some immediate financial needs, then the app economy is likely right for you. Thanks to the global sharing phenomenon, launched in part by our smartphones and ever-burgeoning global connectivity, you could easily opt for some quick active income by using well-known apps. From ride sharing to deliveries and even quick tasks, there's an app for that today, as the saying goes.
Drive for Uber or Lyft: If you're in a locale where you can find Uber or Lyft (or even one of the many competitors around the world such as China's Didi), you could easily make a respectable income. The hours are flexible and you can work as you see fit, making it perfect even if you currently have full-time employment but are looking to make some money on the side.
Deliver for Postmates: Apps like Postmates are a dime a dozen today. Still, Postmates is by far the most popular, and you don't even need a car in some locations to make money with this app. In some urban developments and major metropolises like Manhattan, a bike would suffice.
iBotta: Earn cash back rewards by purchasing featured products at major retailers. All you have to do is add rebates, go shopping, then snap a photo of your receipt to earn your cash back. Simple and effective. Plus this app has over 50,000 five-star reviews on the App Store.
Task Rabbit: Another simple and straightforward app for making a bit of side-hustle income is the Task Rabbit app. Tasks can be anything from simple repairs to more exhaustive undertakings. The app carefully vets each service provider to ensure the highest quality, and it's a great way to make some extra income on the side on your own terms.
Ebates: This app offers a simple way to make money online by buying whatever you're already buying and then getting a cash-back reward. With eBates, there's no scanning receipts. Simply click a link in the app and buy from the store. You'll automatically be credited your cash rewards upon purchase along with receiving an email confirmation.
Swagbucks: With Swagbucks, there are a number of ways you can make money. You can shop online, watch videos, answer surveys and surf the web. The app gives you both cash back and gift cards as a reward for your efforts.
Inbox Dollars: Another app you can use to make money online is Inbox Dollars, which pays you for watching television, taking surveys and shopping. There are cash offers here and it's relatively similar to some of the other apps in this arena.
Related: What You'll Really Earn on Uber, Airbnb and TaskRabbit Every Month
2. Use existing websites.
You could also opt to use existing websites for making money. These include both active income and passive income methods. For example, you could sell some used items or invest in creating some digital designs that then can be sold on merchandise. Again, devote a sizable portion of your time to passive income so that you can slowly build up earnings that will arrive on autopilot without any extra added effort.
Of course, a large portion of these sites do have their own respective apps. But these are certainly less involved in the gig economy, and more so in the longer term projects that exist in the fields of photography, online marketing, graphic design and web development, for example.
Craigslist: This site has been the go-to resource for over a decade now for people that are looking to make a bit of extra money online. You can easily sell your used stuff, rent out a spare room in your home or apartment, and offer up your services to the world.
Upwork: This website offers a great marketplace for selling just about any professional service. You don't need a merchant account, website of your own or anything else for that matter. All you need to do is be able to provide a high-quality service at a reasonable price. But be informed, you will have to compete with many others that are constantly bidding on open jobs.
Cafe Press: This website allows you to create digital designs that can then be sold on the platform. You'll earn a commission for everything that sells and you'll never have to deal with printing, warehousing, customer service and so on. The site has over 2 million independent designers that have created products being sold online here. If you have some graphic design skills, then this is a great potential source for your web-based income.
Fiverr: Israeli-based Fivver was started in 2010 by Shal Wininger and Micha Kaufam. It's a great resource for selling just about any service online. You can offer gigs as low as $5 but also get paid much more for upgrades and add-ons. There are plenty of providers earning 6 figures on Fiverr so it's definitely a worthwhile cause for generating a healthy income. Just ensure that you provide some serious value.
Mechanical Turk: Amazon's Mechanical Turk is a resource for doing human-intelligence tasks, or as the site commonly refers to them, HITs. You get paid a very small fee for any given HIT and you'll need a good deal of volume to make a substantial amount of money. But it is a resource you can use in your spare time to generate a small income online.
Flippa: If you have a penchant for buying and selling, you could use Flippa, and its higher-end counterpart, Deal Flow Brokerage to buy and sell websites for a profit. You'll need to know what you're doing here, but you could easily make a sizable income by flipping income-generating websites for profit.
Etsy: While Etsy's popularity has declined recently, it's still a great resource for selling handmade items online. No need for complex ecommerce sites or merchant accounts or any sort of automation. The company takes a commission of every sale and charges a small listing fee per item. But many still use Etsy as their primary source of income. The best part is that you can also sell digital products on here such as poster designs.
Shutterstock and iStockPhoto: Have a keen eye for photography? Why not sell photos on some of the leading photography sites. You'll need some design software skills to tag along. But if you do have skill in this arena, it's a great potential source for passive income.
Threadless: Similar to CafePress, Chicago-based Threadless also allows you to sell digital designs in the form of t-shirts and other merchandise such as phone cases, mugs, beach towels and so on.
Zazzle: Another great resource for selling online is to use Robert Beaver's Zazzle. The site is somewhat similar to Etsy and virtually anyone can make money online selling a variety of items here. From art to handmade items and customizable products, you can pretty much sell anything here.
Related: 5 Ways to Make Enough Side Money to Eventually Quit Your Job
3. Sell your own stuff.
Ready to enter the ecommerce fray? Why not sell your own stuff. Of course, along with selling your own stuff on your own website comes a whole slew of both responsibilities and technical configuration and requirements. For starters, you'll need a website and a hosting account. You'll also need a merchant account (sure you can use Stripe or PayPal). Then you'll need to design that site, build a sales funnel, create a lead magnet and do some email marketing.
You'll also need ecommerce software, fulfillment software, worry about warehousing, customer service, refunds and so on. But that's not all. You'll also need traffic. Think search engine optimization, Facebook ads, and other social media campaigns. Sound like a lot of work? Sure, it is. Especially if you do it all on your own. You could opt for Amazon's platform, which might be the easier route. But, then again, at the end of the day, this is a serious business, which could produce significant profits. So you're either all in or you're not.
Shopify Ecommerce: Want to build your own storefront? You could opt to create a Shopify store. You could also install WooCommerce as a plugin and run your ecommerce store from your blog. You'll need an SSL certificate and a way to process payments, but you might find this easier to get up and running fast to start selling immediately.
Fulfilled-by-Amazon (FBA): You could easily start selling on the largest online store in the world and forget all the muss and fuss about building out your own infrastructure and worrying about traffic. You will need to pay a commission, but most of the other processes will be automated for you.
Drop-shipping: Amazon offers one form of drop-shipping, but there are other resources for drop-shipping products that you'll never actually have to see or handle yourself. You'll simply need to close the sale. Providers like SaleHoo, Worldwide Brands, and many others, offer you a great resource for drop-shipping your products.
High-ticket consulting or coaching: You could sell your own high-ticket consulting or coaching products from your website. You'll still need a website, merchant account, sales funnel, lead magnet and many other items. But you can easily earn a substantial amount of money from each individual customer, making it well worth the arduous setup required.
Related: Making Money Online: 5 Major Online Selling Opportunities for Any Entrepreneur
4. Sell as an affiliate.
There are loads of resources for making money online as an affiliate. You could source products from ClickBank, Commission Junction, Rakuten Marketing, Share-a-Sale, Impact Radius and many others. Plus, many of the larger companies have their own affiliate programs as well. Do your due diligence and find the right company with a relevant product or service to your audience that you can sell as an affiliate.
In some cases, you will need an active website with substantial traffic to get approved. Selling as an affiliate isn't easy by any means, but if you do have the audience, it can definitely amount to a substantial amount of income.
If you're serious about making money online, start a blog. Blogging is one of the easiest and most sustainable income sources. As long as the blog is setup the right way, in the right niche, with the right content targeted at the right audience, and the offer is complementary to the content, you could make a tremendous amount of passive income from a blog.
While some might think that starting a blog is an arduous effort, when you understand the precise steps you need to take, it becomes far easier. It all starts in the decision of choosing a profitable niche and picking the right domain name. From there, you need to build your offers. You can easily sell things like mini-email courses, full-blown trainings, ebooks, and so on.
Related: 6 Ways to Turn Your Blog Into a Money Maker
6. Email marketing.
The money is most certainly in the list. If you're at all interested in online marketing, setup email software and create a lead magnet that you can use in your sales funnel. Then, build up that list. It's often said that you can expect to earn about $1 per subscriber per month. If you have a list of 10,000 subscribers, that means you can earn roughly around $10,000 per month. You will need to deliver value and not pitch them on every email, but it is a very achievable goal in a short period.
There are many ways to get people onto your list. Lead magnets are one such resource. For example, you can build ebooks, checklists and cheat sheets. But you can also do content upgrades, such as PDF versions of an article with added resources in them, four-part video training series, and more. Think about your audience and what you can offer them to better serve them, then treat them with some respect and you'll eventually reap the rewards.
7. Webinars trainings.
Webinars are quite possibly one of the most potent ways you can make an exorbitant amount of money online. Russell Brunson often says that if you do a webinar every single week for a year, you'll be a millionaire at the end of it. You'll need an audience to train and you'll need to know what you're talking about. Of course, this usually requires having a website and some semblance of an online presence.
However, people can still do webinars without all of that. For example, you might have a sizable social media following and you train them every week on something to do with social media. But you will need a product to embed and sell at some point. Don't worry about it in the beginning. And by far, the best webinar platform out there is certainly GoToWebinar. Hands down, there isn't even another platform that comes close.
However, not matter what method you choose to make money online, understand that you might be able to make some money fast, but for the sizable returns, you'll need significant sweat equity. However, a year from now, you'll be happy you started today. Remember, time is far more valuable than money. Focus on creating passive income streams that will free up your time so that you can quit the rat race and focus on the things that matter. That's the important thing here.
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
Thursday, 7 April 2016
Cash Building Strategies: How to Earn A Solid Income Online Without Stress.
Cash Building Strategies: How to Earn A Solid Income Online WITHOUT STRESS.
Anyone can run their own online business whether you have extensive
business experience or not. All you really need is the drive to succeed
and the ability to work hard and learn as much as you can about the
business you choose to go into.
With the numerous options available for online businesses, you can find
one that meets your needs and skills you have to bring to it. Use all
the Marketing methods you can to get your business to reach all corners
of the internet globe and drive traffic to your site.
The hard work and sweat you put into it initially will be worth it in
the end as you can start to relax a little and maybe hire someone else
to do some of your daily tasks for you. What better way to earn a living
than to hire someone else to do your grunt work for you.
The internet brings more and more cash making opportunities to business
owners every day, so why not get on the bandwagon now and start to reap
some of the rewards that other internet marketers are achieving? If they
can do it with little experience in the business field, so can you.
Learn more here:
Affiliate Marketing - How To Make $1.400/Month In Affiliate Commissions .
Affiliate Marketing - How To Make $1.400/Month In Affiliate Commissions.
If you could miss out all the learning and mistake making parts and skip straight to the money making parts you would, right?You can avoid some of the mistakes I've made and copy the things that work and increase your profit from affiliate marketing.
This book applies just as much to affiliates on other networks too especially if you're promoting digital products via email.
The lessons contained within this book are useful whether you are an absolute newbie looking to break into affiliate marketing for the first time or already making affiliate sales and looking to increase your profits.
Learn more here:
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Maximising Your Income.
3533 Total new sign-ups yesterday from 134 countries!
Click here to see TODAY's
If someone wants Bronze TEAM Leader (BTL) Status – he or she should have at least one affiliate in his/her 1G (First Generation) – otherwise and according to the new rules there is no point to be a TEAM leader.
In my opinion - the best way to be a BTL is to have not one but at least 3 EA2 in 1G and to set-up 125 TCredits Standing Order (SO) and THEN you’re on the real path to work, develop and expand your work and your TEAM.
And earning of Versa Points (i.e. 2.000 Sales VPs & 1.000 ActionVPs needed for BTL Status) should be as follows:
1. 1.500 SVPs (you have 125 Tcredits SO and you’re already an EA2)
2. 100 AVPs (for your action of setting a SO)
3. 125 AVPs: by using TCredits 125 in games and/or auctions during the month
In total with the SO you secured: 1.500SVPs and 225 AVPs.
Additional Action VPs should be obtained through the following ACTIONS:
4. 20 AVPs - Monthly Actions
5. 92 AVPs - Weekly Actions
6. 420AVPs - Daily Actions (30daysx14AVPs=420 AVPs; during the month you should spent 2 TCs EVERY DAY 2 by 2 daily playing one EZ Game and placing one bid on one of Auctions – doing so you’ll get additional 2 AVPs each day – for turning your EZ and PB tab from red to green – instead of just 12 AVPs which you usually collect when you do not spend any TCs during the day)
7. 10 AVPs (There are usually two Spin & Win during the month hiding somewhere in our monthly newsletters - find them and earn at least 2x5 AVPs)
8. 100 AVPs - for support of one personally sponsored EA2
In TOTAL (so far) you have:
1.500 les Versa Points & 867 Action Versa Points
So for confirming your BTL Status you should obtain additional: 500SVPs and 133AVPs
- 500 Sales Versa Points would be easy to earn through your MRPs – Member Reward Points (you should have at least 630 MRPs to do the following: buy 1TC – pay it with 126
In my opinion - the best way to be a BTL is to have not one but at least 3 EA2 in 1G and to set-up 125 TCredits Standing Order (SO) and THEN you’re on the real path to work, develop and expand your work and your TEAM.
And earning of Versa Points (i.e. 2.000 Sales VPs & 1.000 ActionVPs needed for BTL Status) should be as follows:
1. 1.500 SVPs (you have 125 Tcredits SO and you’re already an EA2)
2. 100 AVPs (for your action of setting a SO)
3. 125 AVPs: by using TCredits 125 in games and/or auctions during the month
In total with the SO you secured: 1.500SVPs and 225 AVPs.
Additional Action VPs should be obtained through the following ACTIONS:
4. 20 AVPs - Monthly Actions
5. 92 AVPs - Weekly Actions
6. 420AVPs - Daily Actions (30daysx14AVPs=420 AVPs; during the month you should spent 2 TCs EVERY DAY 2 by 2 daily playing one EZ Game and placing one bid on one of Auctions – doing so you’ll get additional 2 AVPs each day – for turning your EZ and PB tab from red to green – instead of just 12 AVPs which you usually collect when you do not spend any TCs during the day)
7. 10 AVPs (There are usually two Spin & Win during the month hiding somewhere in our monthly newsletters - find them and earn at least 2x5 AVPs)
8. 100 AVPs - for support of one personally sponsored EA2
In TOTAL (so far) you have:
1.500 les Versa Points & 867 Action Versa Points
So for confirming your BTL Status you should obtain additional: 500SVPs and 133AVPs
- 500 Sales Versa Points would be easy to earn through your MRPs – Member Reward Points (you should have at least 630 MRPs to do the following: buy 1TC – pay it with 126
MRPs and get 102SVPs – repeat this for 5 times and you’ll have in total additional 510 SVPs (and 5TCredits)
- 133AVPs – now, this is a bit more difficult (if you really do not have more than 1 EA2 in your G1 – please DO work on supporting 2 more EA2 and you would get in total 300AVPs for supporting your 3 EA2 in your G1) - optionally you have the following possibilities to get missing 133 AVPs and with some work & luck & maybe additional purchase of a TripleClicks product that you have never reviewed before you could combine one of the following:
1. 100AVPs for each approved/activated ECA (E-Commerce Associate) you refer to TripleClicks,
2. 25AVPs for TripleClicks product reviews,
3. 50AVPs (max) as Bonus points won from Card King,
4. 300AVPs points (max) through Gift Card Distribution,
5. 25, 50 or 100AVPs for submitting most popular Ask SC answer…
Good luck
I really hope I’ve helped ?
- 133AVPs – now, this is a bit more difficult (if you really do not have more than 1 EA2 in your G1 – please DO work on supporting 2 more EA2 and you would get in total 300AVPs for supporting your 3 EA2 in your G1) - optionally you have the following possibilities to get missing 133 AVPs and with some work & luck & maybe additional purchase of a TripleClicks product that you have never reviewed before you could combine one of the following:
1. 100AVPs for each approved/activated ECA (E-Commerce Associate) you refer to TripleClicks,
2. 25AVPs for TripleClicks product reviews,
3. 50AVPs (max) as Bonus points won from Card King,
4. 300AVPs points (max) through Gift Card Distribution,
5. 25, 50 or 100AVPs for submitting most popular Ask SC answer…
Good luck
I really hope I’ve helped ?
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Monday, 9 November 2015
Why SFI?
As we all know well, SFI is a free global business opportunity, one can join free with no obligation to make any purchases. SFI has proven to be a real company, with real affiliates, paying out real money each and every month.
For those in doubt, go visit the Forum and read some posts, see how many people there have been with SFI for years and keep on… Read the answers at the ‘ASK SC” or check with the people at A2A. You will find out that more and more are happily working with SFI and growing their business.
Because SFI is:
- A Member of Better Business Bureau
- In business on the Internet 15 or more years
- Built from ground up for the Internet
- Has over one million affiliates/distributors
- Marketable in every country worldwide (make money everywhere!)
- Has own private-labelled products
- # 1 product available/shippable worldwide
- Can market virtually ANY product or service in the world
- Has paid out millions in commissions
- Pays out over 60% of revenues back in commissions
- Donates a percentage of sales to charity
- Business and income can be willed to a family member
And being an affiliate:
- You can participate free for as long as you want, with no obligation
- Your own personalized Website is provided free (with free maintenance)
- Support is available 24-hours -a-day, 7-days-a-week
- Personal mentors provided for free personal support & assistance
- Extensive free training & resources to help you get started fast
- Tools provided for easy and free contact with your entire sales team
- Extensive marketing tools available so you can market how you like –online or offline
- Company handles all orders –payment, shipping, customer service for you
- Less than a dollar a day in sales to qualify for upper level income
So you:
- Can earn ongoing, residual income from one-time sales
- Potential to earn $100,000+ annually
- Can share in company-wide sales/commissions every month
- Can earn unlimited override commissions on unlimited levels
- Simple, easy-to-understand compensation plan
- Can create substantial income giving away free stuff
- Commissions payable weekly in your country’s currency via ATM machine
With SFI you can remain a free affiliate member for life. At this case you can earn Direct Commissions from your downline purchases from TripleClicks and Pay-per-Action Bounties.
But becoming an Executive Affiliate (EA) by scoring 1500 VP, you will gain access to some of SFI's most powerful business-building tools and perks and you can earn income in six ways:
1. Direct Commissions
2. Pay-per-Actions Bounties
3. TripleClicks Executive Pool
4. Co-Sponsor Commissions
5. TCredits Bonus
6. ECA Royalties
Also by becoming an Executive Affiliate (EA) you immediately earn two CSAs ( Co-Sponsored Affiliates) and every month that you retain your EA rank, you earn two CSAs more.
If you want to benefit more, just become a Team Leader! A share of all the forfeited Co-Sponsored Affiliates will be automatically added to your team, with YOU as their new co-sponsor!
Also as a Team Leader you are entitled to receive Matching VP on all EA2 in your downline within 6-12 levels depending on your TL rank.
So, perhaps it is time to look at SFI from a different, closer point of view, especially those who just registered SFI but did not afford the time to realise what a great potential lays in their hands.
If you want to succeed, keep on working daily and DO NOT QUIT!
Just give it a second thought and let me know if you have any questions. I will be glad to assist you.
To your success
Sign up free here:
As we all know well, SFI is a free global business opportunity, one can join free with no obligation to make any purchases. SFI has proven to be a real company, with real affiliates, paying out real money each and every month.
For those in doubt, go visit the Forum and read some posts, see how many people there have been with SFI for years and keep on… Read the answers at the ‘ASK SC” or check with the people at A2A. You will find out that more and more are happily working with SFI and growing their business.
Because SFI is:
- A Member of Better Business Bureau
- In business on the Internet 15 or more years
- Built from ground up for the Internet
- Has over one million affiliates/distributors
- Marketable in every country worldwide (make money everywhere!)
- Has own private-labelled products
- # 1 product available/shippable worldwide
- Can market virtually ANY product or service in the world
- Has paid out millions in commissions
- Pays out over 60% of revenues back in commissions
- Donates a percentage of sales to charity
- Business and income can be willed to a family member
And being an affiliate:
- You can participate free for as long as you want, with no obligation
- Your own personalized Website is provided free (with free maintenance)
- Support is available 24-hours -a-day, 7-days-a-week
- Personal mentors provided for free personal support & assistance
- Extensive free training & resources to help you get started fast
- Tools provided for easy and free contact with your entire sales team
- Extensive marketing tools available so you can market how you like –online or offline
- Company handles all orders –payment, shipping, customer service for you
- Less than a dollar a day in sales to qualify for upper level income
So you:
- Can earn ongoing, residual income from one-time sales
- Potential to earn $100,000+ annually
- Can share in company-wide sales/commissions every month
- Can earn unlimited override commissions on unlimited levels
- Simple, easy-to-understand compensation plan
- Can create substantial income giving away free stuff
- Commissions payable weekly in your country’s currency via ATM machine
With SFI you can remain a free affiliate member for life. At this case you can earn Direct Commissions from your downline purchases from TripleClicks and Pay-per-Action Bounties.
But becoming an Executive Affiliate (EA) by scoring 1500 VP, you will gain access to some of SFI's most powerful business-building tools and perks and you can earn income in six ways:
1. Direct Commissions
2. Pay-per-Actions Bounties
3. TripleClicks Executive Pool
4. Co-Sponsor Commissions
5. TCredits Bonus
6. ECA Royalties
Also by becoming an Executive Affiliate (EA) you immediately earn two CSAs ( Co-Sponsored Affiliates) and every month that you retain your EA rank, you earn two CSAs more.
If you want to benefit more, just become a Team Leader! A share of all the forfeited Co-Sponsored Affiliates will be automatically added to your team, with YOU as their new co-sponsor!
Also as a Team Leader you are entitled to receive Matching VP on all EA2 in your downline within 6-12 levels depending on your TL rank.
So, perhaps it is time to look at SFI from a different, closer point of view, especially those who just registered SFI but did not afford the time to realise what a great potential lays in their hands.
If you want to succeed, keep on working daily and DO NOT QUIT!
Just give it a second thought and let me know if you have any questions. I will be glad to assist you.
To your success
Sign up free here:
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Faith Based Businesses.
Many big brands are intensely religious, even though consumers may not realize it. Most of the time, it comes from a devout founder passing his or her values on down the line.
Many big brands are intensely religious, even though consumers may not realize it. Most of the time, it comes from a devout founder passing his or her values on down the line.
Some companies put their religion right out in the open, and are proud of their identities. Chick-fil-A is infamous for closing on Sundays, and In-N-Out puts Bible verses on its packaging. Interstate Batteries' mission statement states up front that it exists "to glorify God" while selling its products.
Tyson Food
Many customers may not realize it, but Tyson Foods is a very religious company that embraces spirituality in the workplace. Founder John Tyson speaks openly about his Christian beliefs, and the company's core values say that it "strive(s) to honor God" and "be a faith-friendly company."Since 2000, the company has employed approximately 120 office chaplains who are there to provide "compassionate pastoral care" to employees, according to Tyson's website.
Founded by devout Southern Baptist Truett Cathy in 1946 in Hapeville, Georgia, Chick-fil-A has since expanded to become a major American fast-food chain, with more than 1,500 locations in 39 states.
Throughout its success, the company has stuck to its founder's religiously-motivated decision to be closed on Sundays.
"(Cathy) believes that all franchised Chick-fil-A Operators and their Restaurant employees should have an opportunity to rest, spend time with family and friends, and worship if they choose to do so," according to the restaurant's website. "That's why all Chick-fil-A Restaurants are closed on Sundays. It's part of our recipe for success.
SFI program is dominated by 98% of Christians family. SFI is not a get rich-quick-scheme but a program that empowered Christians like you earns steady income online. SFI is a faith based business that offers you and me the opportunity to own online marketing business.
No obligation to purchase. Free training to earn online. You can earn with zero investment.
It offers you the opportunity to work from the comfort of your home, part time and full time.
SFI partner with the greatest online market place called TRIPLECLICKS.
Tripleclicks like other market platform sell different ranges of products including most popular Christian books.
If you desire an Excellent long-term residual income potential, sign up free with the SFI program.
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