How to make money online, Internet business today, Internet Marketing, Internet Marketing Service, Internet Marketing Company, Internet Marketing Agency, Internet strategies, Internet Marketing Strategy.

— stephen Adetunji (@sundayAdebiyi1) September 18, 2017

Showing posts with label earn money online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earn money online. Show all posts
Sunday, 14 June 2020
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
��Earn $412 18 Per DAY Pasting Links Using Your Gmail For FREE! Make Mone...
Sunday, 24 May 2020
Earn $3,285+ Per DAY While You Sleep from Anywhere in the WORLD (Make Mo...
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Friday, 11 August 2017
Work At Home Jobs - Make $25 to $50 Per Hour (No Experience Required) 20...
Saturday, 16 April 2016
Making Your First Million Is Easy -- If You Follow These 5 Steps
When you think about making a million dollars, does it seem like a far-fetched goal? Is it something you want to accomplish but just can’t picture happening? This was the case for my friend Ryan Moran -- until his 26th birthday, when he made his first million dollars. Today, at 28 years old, his business generates roughly $500,000 per month.
I was curious what shifts took place that allowed someone so young to go from dreaming of making a million dollars to becoming a multi-millionaire in just a few short years. He told me me, “Making your first million is easy -- if you do these five things.”
1. Surround yourself with people who will stretch your mind.
Since Ryan was a little boy, he has dreamed of owning the Cleveland Indians. Now in his 20s, he realized that in order for him to turn his dream into a reality, he would need to come up with roughly $500 million. For most people, the though of having $500 million liquid to buy a professional sports team is way beyond the range of what is possible. It was for Ryan too -- until he started surrounding himself with people who already played at that level.
He explained that, “You can imagine what it will take to accomplish that type of a goal and by having people at that level as your advisors, they can tell you exactly what you need to do. It may be just a subtle shift in one part of your business, but suddenly what you thought was potentially impossible becomes realistic."
It was that concept of demystifying the impossible that inspired him to host a live event that would bring the people who inspired him together with the goal of helping the next generation of entrepreneurs.
What is your dream that is so big that the thought of accomplishing it seems impossible -- and maybe even scares you? Do you think you would be more likely to accomplish it if you had a group of advisors who were already playing at that level? If so, take action on forming relationships with them, and let them guide you the rest of the way.
2. Re-frame the impossible.
As you surround yourself with the right people, you will need to work on upgrading your mindset. Part of this will require you to recognize your limiting beliefs and re-frame those thoughts. Ryan shared, “When you feel like something is impossible, recognize that it's just the story that you are telling yourself that makes you perceive it to be impossible and not the action itself.” Then it is just a matter of rewriting your story.
To rewrite your own story, ask yourself, “What are the things in my life that scare me and stop me from taking action? Is it the action that really scares me, or is it a false perception that is holding me back? How can I take action and move through it in spite of that fear?”
3. Deliver unexpected value.
Your ability to increase your income hinges on your ability to deliver unexpected value. Most people think the only way they can add more value is by working harder or exchanging money. This is thinking too small. You deliver unexpected value through the connections you can make, the time you can allocate and the problems you can alleviate.
Big opportunities open up when you building relationships with the right people, invest your time in your highest leverage activities and are a person who solves problems. Break out of the old mindset of thinking that you have to work harder or find a higher-paying job, and start developing the habit of incorporating these three things in your everyday life.
4. Choose your customers wisely.
The easiest way to fast-track your path to a million is to charge more for your products and services. However, when you tell someone to raise their prices, they often push back and say that the market doesn’t allow for that type of increase. This is where you have to choose your customer wisely.
The price a customer is willing to pay is directly tied to the amount of value they receive. If your services deliver a 10 percent sales increase to company that does $1 million in revenue, then you brought $100,000 in value. If you deliver the same 10 percent increase to a $100 million company, your value is exponentially higher. Would the first company pay you $250,000 for your services? No way. Would the second? It is quite possible.
Sometimes what stands in your way from exponential growth is not you or your product. It’s the customer you are targeting. Ryan learned this lesson the hard way. For a few years he had been teaching his business model to people who wanted to start their own companies and was charging $1,000 for this information. A few years later, one of his students was teaching the exact same content but targeting a different group of people charging $100,000!
Ryan realized that he approaching his target market trying to get as many of they to say “yes” as possible, instead of positioning himself as a solution to the elite segment of his market and aligning his pricing accordingly.
The result? He found a select group that was willing to pay 50-times more than his original rates. You will find your path to a million dollars a lot easier if you choose your customers wisely.
5. Invest for the long term.
So many people go for the fast and easy win. While this may work for some, you will find that results come a lot faster when you invest for the long term. I’m not just talking about stocks and real estate. I’m talking about how you spend your time, the people you hire, the relationships you build, the products you develop and the structure of your company. These are all investments.
As Ryan tried to grow his business, he realized many of his struggles were because he was making decisions based on short-term results. Then he made a conscious decision to focus on what would be best for the long-term focus. As a result, he was able to attract better clients who he could actually serve and add real value to, which allowed him to raise his prices. This was when he broke the million-dollar mark.
How much money are you leaving on the table because you are not planning out far enough and laying the foundation for long term success? Incorporate these five steps, and you may find that making your first million is easier than you originally thought.
Thursday, 7 April 2016
Cash Building Strategies: How to Earn A Solid Income Online Without Stress.
Cash Building Strategies: How to Earn A Solid Income Online WITHOUT STRESS.
Anyone can run their own online business whether you have extensive
business experience or not. All you really need is the drive to succeed
and the ability to work hard and learn as much as you can about the
business you choose to go into.
With the numerous options available for online businesses, you can find
one that meets your needs and skills you have to bring to it. Use all
the Marketing methods you can to get your business to reach all corners
of the internet globe and drive traffic to your site.
The hard work and sweat you put into it initially will be worth it in
the end as you can start to relax a little and maybe hire someone else
to do some of your daily tasks for you. What better way to earn a living
than to hire someone else to do your grunt work for you.
The internet brings more and more cash making opportunities to business
owners every day, so why not get on the bandwagon now and start to reap
some of the rewards that other internet marketers are achieving? If they
can do it with little experience in the business field, so can you.
Learn more here:
Tuesday, 5 January 2016
How To Make $1,000 In 10 Days With TripleClicks.
It is a marketing fact that you must have some passion for a product before you can market it successfully. It is also a marketing truism that every good product sells itself. That is the singular reason why a market is never saturated with a good product. To choose a product which you can market successfully at Triple clicks or any other online stores, my advice is that you think about the following:
1. The rating of the product at Triple-clicks.
2.A product in the preferred category.
3.Product with free shipping.
4. Review by pr-buyers on the product.
5.If necessary, your personal product research from
You can make as much as $1,000 by using the aggregate of reward points you collected from any product you buy at this store to even buy products whose value is even more than $1,000.
For over 96,580 products you can choose from, please go here:
It is a marketing fact that you must have some passion for a product before you can market it successfully. It is also a marketing truism that every good product sells itself. That is the singular reason why a market is never saturated with a good product. To choose a product which you can market successfully at Triple clicks or any other online stores, my advice is that you think about the following:
1. The rating of the product at Triple-clicks.
2.A product in the preferred category.
3.Product with free shipping.
4. Review by pr-buyers on the product.
5.If necessary, your personal product research from
You can make as much as $1,000 by using the aggregate of reward points you collected from any product you buy at this store to even buy products whose value is even more than $1,000.
For over 96,580 products you can choose from, please go here:
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Maximising Your Income.

3533 Total new sign-ups yesterday from 134 countries!
Click here to see TODAY's
If someone wants Bronze TEAM Leader (BTL) Status – he or she should have at least one affiliate in his/her 1G (First Generation) – otherwise and according to the new rules there is no point to be a TEAM leader.
In my opinion - the best way to be a BTL is to have not one but at least 3 EA2 in 1G and to set-up 125 TCredits Standing Order (SO) and THEN you’re on the real path to work, develop and expand your work and your TEAM.
And earning of Versa Points (i.e. 2.000 Sales VPs & 1.000 ActionVPs needed for BTL Status) should be as follows:
1. 1.500 SVPs (you have 125 Tcredits SO and you’re already an EA2)
2. 100 AVPs (for your action of setting a SO)
3. 125 AVPs: by using TCredits 125 in games and/or auctions during the month
In total with the SO you secured: 1.500SVPs and 225 AVPs.
Additional Action VPs should be obtained through the following ACTIONS:
4. 20 AVPs - Monthly Actions
5. 92 AVPs - Weekly Actions
6. 420AVPs - Daily Actions (30daysx14AVPs=420 AVPs; during the month you should spent 2 TCs EVERY DAY 2 by 2 daily playing one EZ Game and placing one bid on one of Auctions – doing so you’ll get additional 2 AVPs each day – for turning your EZ and PB tab from red to green – instead of just 12 AVPs which you usually collect when you do not spend any TCs during the day)
7. 10 AVPs (There are usually two Spin & Win during the month hiding somewhere in our monthly newsletters - find them and earn at least 2x5 AVPs)
8. 100 AVPs - for support of one personally sponsored EA2
In TOTAL (so far) you have:
1.500 les Versa Points & 867 Action Versa Points
So for confirming your BTL Status you should obtain additional: 500SVPs and 133AVPs
- 500 Sales Versa Points would be easy to earn through your MRPs – Member Reward Points (you should have at least 630 MRPs to do the following: buy 1TC – pay it with 126
In my opinion - the best way to be a BTL is to have not one but at least 3 EA2 in 1G and to set-up 125 TCredits Standing Order (SO) and THEN you’re on the real path to work, develop and expand your work and your TEAM.
And earning of Versa Points (i.e. 2.000 Sales VPs & 1.000 ActionVPs needed for BTL Status) should be as follows:
1. 1.500 SVPs (you have 125 Tcredits SO and you’re already an EA2)
2. 100 AVPs (for your action of setting a SO)
3. 125 AVPs: by using TCredits 125 in games and/or auctions during the month
In total with the SO you secured: 1.500SVPs and 225 AVPs.
Additional Action VPs should be obtained through the following ACTIONS:
4. 20 AVPs - Monthly Actions
5. 92 AVPs - Weekly Actions
6. 420AVPs - Daily Actions (30daysx14AVPs=420 AVPs; during the month you should spent 2 TCs EVERY DAY 2 by 2 daily playing one EZ Game and placing one bid on one of Auctions – doing so you’ll get additional 2 AVPs each day – for turning your EZ and PB tab from red to green – instead of just 12 AVPs which you usually collect when you do not spend any TCs during the day)
7. 10 AVPs (There are usually two Spin & Win during the month hiding somewhere in our monthly newsletters - find them and earn at least 2x5 AVPs)
8. 100 AVPs - for support of one personally sponsored EA2
In TOTAL (so far) you have:
1.500 les Versa Points & 867 Action Versa Points
So for confirming your BTL Status you should obtain additional: 500SVPs and 133AVPs
- 500 Sales Versa Points would be easy to earn through your MRPs – Member Reward Points (you should have at least 630 MRPs to do the following: buy 1TC – pay it with 126
MRPs and get 102SVPs – repeat this for 5 times and you’ll have in total additional 510 SVPs (and 5TCredits)
- 133AVPs – now, this is a bit more difficult (if you really do not have more than 1 EA2 in your G1 – please DO work on supporting 2 more EA2 and you would get in total 300AVPs for supporting your 3 EA2 in your G1) - optionally you have the following possibilities to get missing 133 AVPs and with some work & luck & maybe additional purchase of a TripleClicks product that you have never reviewed before you could combine one of the following:
1. 100AVPs for each approved/activated ECA (E-Commerce Associate) you refer to TripleClicks,
2. 25AVPs for TripleClicks product reviews,
3. 50AVPs (max) as Bonus points won from Card King,
4. 300AVPs points (max) through Gift Card Distribution,
5. 25, 50 or 100AVPs for submitting most popular Ask SC answer…
Good luck
I really hope I’ve helped ?
- 133AVPs – now, this is a bit more difficult (if you really do not have more than 1 EA2 in your G1 – please DO work on supporting 2 more EA2 and you would get in total 300AVPs for supporting your 3 EA2 in your G1) - optionally you have the following possibilities to get missing 133 AVPs and with some work & luck & maybe additional purchase of a TripleClicks product that you have never reviewed before you could combine one of the following:
1. 100AVPs for each approved/activated ECA (E-Commerce Associate) you refer to TripleClicks,
2. 25AVPs for TripleClicks product reviews,
3. 50AVPs (max) as Bonus points won from Card King,
4. 300AVPs points (max) through Gift Card Distribution,
5. 25, 50 or 100AVPs for submitting most popular Ask SC answer…
Good luck
I really hope I’ve helped ?

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Wednesday, 2 December 2015
How Network Marketers Use Powerful Tools To Double Sales Online.
Dear fellow Marketer,
Yes it is true. you can effectively increase your traffic, wins control of your prospects minds and dominate your niche market without breaking a sweat.
It is super easy to do, once you know how to unlock the full power that lies hidden within your Internet business.
More traffic, more sales, more affiliates income and even higher search engine ranking. Take a bold steps today.
"Most marketers give up just when they are about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touch down". Do not be like them.
Dear fellow Marketer,
Yes it is true. you can effectively increase your traffic, wins control of your prospects minds and dominate your niche market without breaking a sweat.
It is super easy to do, once you know how to unlock the full power that lies hidden within your Internet business.
More traffic, more sales, more affiliates income and even higher search engine ranking. Take a bold steps today.
"Most marketers give up just when they are about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touch down". Do not be like them.
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