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Showing posts with label www bing com. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 October 2016

3 Ways To Improve Your Affiliate Links With SEO.

The mantra is: "When you improve your site for people, search engines will notice."
In this article, I will go over three things that you can add to your links and images that will help improve how users interact with, and how search engines interpret, content on your site. Also, all of these examples apply to when you are linking out to another site or to another page in your site.
1.  Adding title text to all links
In HTML, a text link usually looks like this:
 <a href=””>Cats</a>
The value in between quotes for href is the landing page where the link will take someone who clicks on it. The “Cats” is known as the “anchor text,” which becomes the keyword associated with this link. A search engine spider will look at the anchor text and associate it with the content of the destination site. Always select anchor text that is relevant to the content at the other side of the link. Proper nouns or short phrases containing proper nouns (brand names, for example) make great anchor text. I don’t like to link using “click here” or “at this site” as these do little to explain what the destination content is.
Essentially, ask yourself: what keywords would I type into a search engine to look for the content I am linking to? BAM! There’s your anchor text.
Now, let’s introduce the title attribute:
<a href=”” title=”cat videos”>Cat Videos on my Blog</a>
 The title attribute doesn’t directly impact SEO anymore (as noted above), but it will help with user experience and click throughs. This attribute adds semantic value to the link and displays as a tool tip when a user hovers over it. Since increasing clicks is good for SEO, this can indirectly impact SEO which could also indirectly impact your rankings.
2.  Adding alt text to banners and naming images
When you add a banner – or any image really – to your site, the syntax is something along these lines:
 <img src=””>
 The value in between quotes for the src is the place on the internet where the image lives. Notice, it includes the filename. The filename is one of the most important factors in indexing that specific image, so be sure the name is relevant. For example, if you post a picture of you wearing a specific pair of shoes, name your image “blogname-brandname-shoes.jpg” or something along those lines.
Now, let’s add the alt attribute:
<img src=” cute-cat-dancing.jpg” alt=”Videos of Cute Cats Dancing”>
The alt attribute is similar to the title attribute above, but for images. It doesn’t impact SEO as much as it used to, but it improves how users interact with your site. Also, the text shows if the banner is missing (if the src value isn’t correct or the file has been moved) so it’s good practice to add this to all your images.
Here’s how a banner with a link would look , using both the alt and title attributes:
<a href=”” title=”cat videos”><img src=”” alt=”Videos of Cute Cats Dancing”></a>
Now both a visitor and a search engine spider will know what your banner is about and where it leads.
3.  Adding nofollow to affiliate links
In 2012, Google’s Matt Cutts – aka the SEO Authority – let us know that using affiliate links from a reputable network (like Rakuten Affiliate Network) wouldn’t negatively impact a site’s ranking. 
Cutts also told us that we should add the “nofollow” attribute to all our affiliate links. All the “nofollow” attribute does is “tell” search engine crawlers that a specific link shouldn’t be followed/crawled, or factored into the page’s quality score. Due to the fact that all affiliate links point to the same top level URL ( in the Rakuten Affiliate Network case), crawlers could assume you are trying to game their algorithm by pointing all traffic to that domain, and thus, negatively impact your page rank. Yikes!
Not overlooking the fact that content providers have to make a living, the adoption of the “nofollow” attribute is the approved way to maintain site quality and use affiliate links. Everyone wins. And here’s how you do it.
Let’s look at a sample tracking link:
<a href="" >Shop Great Styles from Top Merchant now!</a>
All we need to do to make this link nofollow is add rel=”nofollow” at the end of the opening <a>tag:
<a href=" id=AbCd3f6&offerid=99999.10078&type=3&subid=0" rel=”nofollow”>Shop Great Styles from Top Merchant now!</a>
That’s it! This also works for affiliate banners, so don’t neglect them.
Hope this has been helpful. Now go forth and beef up your blog!

Monday, 26 September 2016

Proven Ways To Make Money On The Internet.

Sounds interesting? It will be more interesting as you read.
I am going to approach this topic from a totally different angle, as I always do. If you find this article confusing, just keep reading. You will get a clearer picture when I put everything together.
Ok, let’s start with the first proven way……
Proven Way #1 – The easiest way to make money on the internet
Do you want to know what is the easiest way to make money online?
It’s to exchange your time for money.
In other words, you make money by trading your time.
For example, you can sign up as a freelancer at and provide freelancing job to people who need your service. You can also sign up with surveying firms to get paid doing market surveys, or become a mystery shopper to help companies to do market research. If you are good in graphic design, you can also start your own online design company to provide graphic design services.
Trading your time for money is the most basic way to make money. It is also the easiest way to start making money. That’s why most people start with a ‘job’ when they are newly out from school. I hope you can see that a job is just another way to trade time for money.
There is nothing wrong to trade your time for money. In fact, if you are pressed for cash, providing online services, such as freelance services, is probably the best option to start.
Proven Way #2 – The toughest way to make money on the internet
The second proven way to make money online is to exchange your skills for money.
For example, Adsense and affiliate marketing are proven ways to make money on the internet, but you need the skills of search engine optimization, website building, PPC advertising etc before you can make money from these methods.
It is the toughest way to make money because if you do not have the necessary skills, you will have to learn. Learning new skills is ‘tough’ to most people. If you enjoy learning new skills, I’m happy for you. You will be successful soon.
Proven Way #3 – The smartest way to make money on the internet
The third way and also the smartest way is to exchange your idea for money.
The world may be changing everyday, but certain fundamentals will never change. The economy is always looking for means of doing or producing things better, faster, easier and cheaper.
If you can come out with an online idea that can do or produce something better, faster, easier and/or cheaper, you will have your fortune at your fingertips.
Now that you’ve learnt the 3 proven ways to make money on the internet, how about the one and only proven way to LOSE money online?
The Proven Way To Lose Money Online
The proven way to lose money online is to use money to make money.
If you believe that you can make $X and all you have to do is invest $Y, then you are destined to be the victim of the next online scam.
Without time, skill and/or idea, money is useless. Read again!
Don’t get me wrong. Having money will definitely help you to make more money online faster, but it is only true if you use it to buy time, skill and/or idea.
When you outsource your work to freelancers or professional services, you are buying other people’s time and skills.
When you buy into other business opportunities, you are buying the idea.
Do you see what I mean?
Summing up……
In a nutshell, you can either use time, skill and/or idea to make money online. These are the 3 proven ways to make money on the internet. I personally guarantee that. People who fail to make money online are those who refuse to invest time, refuse to learn the skills and refuse to think.