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Wednesday, 2 November 2016

REAL INTERNET INCOME.: Advertising That Works.

REAL INTERNET INCOME.: Advertising That Works.: ADVERTISING THAT WORKS . Are you tired of wasting money on Advertising.  Over a million businesses rely on google analytics report. You can...

Advertising That Works.

Are you tired of wasting money on Advertising.  Over a million businesses rely on google analytics report. You can turn insights into action. You even  get stronger results across all your sites, apps and offline channels. With Google analytics solutions, you will be able to turn customer insights to real gain.

 Google analytics lets you measure your advertising returns on investments(ROI) as well as track your flash, video and social networking. To optimize the advantages of  Google analytics, you need to familiarize yourself with some basic ideas.

What is Google Analytics?
It is regarded as the most widely used website statics service. Google analytics can track visitors from all references including search engines, social networks, direct visits and referring sites.

How do you sign up for Google analytics?
To start collecting basic data from a website or mobile app, you need to create a new analytics  account if you do not have one. You may try to visit, Click the sign in to analytics button(top right), and follow the on-screen instructions. Set up a property in the account you have created.

What is a Property?
Properties are where you send data and set up reporting views. You can add up to 50 properties to each analytics account.

One of the most popular websites that works with Google analytics which at the same time makes you money is IZEA.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Read This Before Starting New Online Business.

What are the most important things to consider before you venture into a new online business? Is it the technical know-how? Or perhaps it’s the traffic strategies?
In today’s blog, I’ll give you a checklist that you can refer to whenever you want to start a new online business.
1) Is the market easily targetable?
Before you do anything, you need to make sure that the market you are trying to get into is targetable. What I mean is your prospects should belong to a community that you can easily locate. This is important because when your business is launched, you need to know where to look for your customers.
This may seem common sense, but in reality, many netpreneurs believe that their product targets everybody. As a result, they advertise everywhere and have no idea why the traffic doesn’t convert.
2) Is there a problem in the market you’re targeting and does your product address to that problem?
In most cases, a business idea is generated when the founder faces a problem that he fails to find a good solution in the market. If this describes the cause of your business idea, then congratulations, as you’ve found THAT problem.
However, if you have no idea what problem your business is solving, you really have to think of one and sell that idea as a problem. Otherwise, you are going to have a hard time convincing people to buy your product.
3) Is your product unique in the market?
To me, this is the most important point before I take action on any business idea.
If you have studied marketing, you may recall the term USP, which stands for Unique Selling Proposition. A good USP is one that not only provides a solution to the problem in Point 2 but one that is unique.
You don’t have to be Einstein to create a unique product. A product can be unique by simply combining two or more ideas into one, or it can be an idea that exists in some part of the world but not found in your territory or country. Or it can even be a cheaper way of providing the same solution and the low price itself can be the uniqueness.
No one can tell you if one USP is more profitable than another. This is where your vision comes into play.
4) Is there a viral component to your business model?
If you think getting traffic is tough, that’s because there isn’t a viral component to your business model. If all the traffic has to be generated by you personally, it’s just a matter of time before you give up internet marketing.
To truly understand the meaning of viral, look at Facebook. While most people think Facebook is doing the world a favor, by providing a good platform for people to connect, in actual fact, the world is actually doing Facebook a favor, as every Facebook user is a free promoter of Facebook, helping Facebook to expand its user base.
Viral components can include many things, from having an affiliate program to providing viral tools. However, the best form of viral component is a system that can easily convert your users into your affiliates, without them having to intentionally promote your website. This means the more they use your product or service to benefit themselves, the more they promote you!
5) Do you have a traffic retention strategy?
Getting traffic is easy, keeping the traffic is harder, converting the traffic into sales is the hardest. A good traffic retention strategy will help you keep the traffic that comes to your website, so that you not only have more chance to convert the traffic into sales, but also have more people promoting your website, if you’ve done the right thing.
The most common form of traffic retention strategy is getting people to optin by giving away freebies. As I said, this is the most common form but with more and more marketers using such trick, you need to be more innovative than that in order to stand out from the rest.
6) Do you have an automatic sales conversion strategy?
People need to be reminded to buy from you. If you need to do this manually, both you and your prospects will get sick and tired of it. Instead, what you should do is to think of a subtle sales conversion strategy that is always reminding your prospects that there is something better waiting for them.
Imagine a person who needs to get from point A to B everyday. He can either get there on foot or take your taxi. It will be annoying if you were to approach this person everyday. Instead you just have to make sure that he sees you everyday and he knows about your offer. One day, when he sees the value of your service, he will buy.
7) Is the need for your product long-lived?
If you sell something that people will only need to use once, you will have to find a new prospect after every sale. That is tedious.
On the other hand, if your product can service a person for live, like an insurance policy, you are going to have recurring income from every sale you make.
Another way of looking at ‘long-lived’ is are you selling a fad? A fad is something that suddenly bursts into a full buying frenzy and then, just as quickly, fizzle out. If you are selling a fad, you may be making some quick money but such income is not lasting. Soon you will be back to square one and you have to start all over again.
8) Is the operation of your business self-running?
How much time will it take for you to keep that business running? If the running of your business requires a lot involvement from you, it means this business is going to keep you so busy that you may have no time to expand the business or explore other business and investment opportunities.
As a basic principle, you should spend most of your time growing your business or establishing other businesses, not running the business.
Of course, no business is 100% self-running. If most processes can be automated or can easily be outsourced, that business is worth exploring.
Let me give you an example of what I mean by running a business. Say if you run a membership site that provides new video tutorials every month, you will have to spend time preparing the videos. You can outsource, provided that the outsource personnel can do an equally good job, and the business is profitable enough for you to engage that person.
However, there is an interesting twist. If you are indeed in such a situation, you can turn the ‘maintenance work’ into a growth opportunity. For example, you can turn your videos into a MRR (Master Resale Right) product and allow your customers to sell or bundle it with other products. This way, the same videos suddenly become a viral tool that will bring you more traffic. You can also produce videos based on interviews with other marketing gurus. This way, you are growing your affiliate network while at the same time delivering good values to your customers.
9) Is your business building an asset?
Most people do business to make money. But that’s not enough. In addition to making money, you have to make sure that your business is building an asset other than money. An asset can be a collection of websites, which the guru call virtual property, or it can be a network, which can be in the form of a subscriber list or a network of affiliates, or you may be building an infrastructure that you can use for your future businesses.
Looking beyond money and focusing on building assets is the way to ensuring that your online venture is a lasting one. Whether your current business is going to survive tomorrow or not, you know that you are sure to win because the asset that has been built is going to benefit you no matter what.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

3 Ways To Improve Your Affiliate Links With SEO.

The mantra is: "When you improve your site for people, search engines will notice."
In this article, I will go over three things that you can add to your links and images that will help improve how users interact with, and how search engines interpret, content on your site. Also, all of these examples apply to when you are linking out to another site or to another page in your site.
1.  Adding title text to all links
In HTML, a text link usually looks like this:
 <a href=””>Cats</a>
The value in between quotes for href is the landing page where the link will take someone who clicks on it. The “Cats” is known as the “anchor text,” which becomes the keyword associated with this link. A search engine spider will look at the anchor text and associate it with the content of the destination site. Always select anchor text that is relevant to the content at the other side of the link. Proper nouns or short phrases containing proper nouns (brand names, for example) make great anchor text. I don’t like to link using “click here” or “at this site” as these do little to explain what the destination content is.
Essentially, ask yourself: what keywords would I type into a search engine to look for the content I am linking to? BAM! There’s your anchor text.
Now, let’s introduce the title attribute:
<a href=”” title=”cat videos”>Cat Videos on my Blog</a>
 The title attribute doesn’t directly impact SEO anymore (as noted above), but it will help with user experience and click throughs. This attribute adds semantic value to the link and displays as a tool tip when a user hovers over it. Since increasing clicks is good for SEO, this can indirectly impact SEO which could also indirectly impact your rankings.
2.  Adding alt text to banners and naming images
When you add a banner – or any image really – to your site, the syntax is something along these lines:
 <img src=””>
 The value in between quotes for the src is the place on the internet where the image lives. Notice, it includes the filename. The filename is one of the most important factors in indexing that specific image, so be sure the name is relevant. For example, if you post a picture of you wearing a specific pair of shoes, name your image “blogname-brandname-shoes.jpg” or something along those lines.
Now, let’s add the alt attribute:
<img src=” cute-cat-dancing.jpg” alt=”Videos of Cute Cats Dancing”>
The alt attribute is similar to the title attribute above, but for images. It doesn’t impact SEO as much as it used to, but it improves how users interact with your site. Also, the text shows if the banner is missing (if the src value isn’t correct or the file has been moved) so it’s good practice to add this to all your images.
Here’s how a banner with a link would look , using both the alt and title attributes:
<a href=”” title=”cat videos”><img src=”” alt=”Videos of Cute Cats Dancing”></a>
Now both a visitor and a search engine spider will know what your banner is about and where it leads.
3.  Adding nofollow to affiliate links
In 2012, Google’s Matt Cutts – aka the SEO Authority – let us know that using affiliate links from a reputable network (like Rakuten Affiliate Network) wouldn’t negatively impact a site’s ranking. 
Cutts also told us that we should add the “nofollow” attribute to all our affiliate links. All the “nofollow” attribute does is “tell” search engine crawlers that a specific link shouldn’t be followed/crawled, or factored into the page’s quality score. Due to the fact that all affiliate links point to the same top level URL ( in the Rakuten Affiliate Network case), crawlers could assume you are trying to game their algorithm by pointing all traffic to that domain, and thus, negatively impact your page rank. Yikes!
Not overlooking the fact that content providers have to make a living, the adoption of the “nofollow” attribute is the approved way to maintain site quality and use affiliate links. Everyone wins. And here’s how you do it.
Let’s look at a sample tracking link:
<a href="" >Shop Great Styles from Top Merchant now!</a>
All we need to do to make this link nofollow is add rel=”nofollow” at the end of the opening <a>tag:
<a href=" id=AbCd3f6&offerid=99999.10078&type=3&subid=0" rel=”nofollow”>Shop Great Styles from Top Merchant now!</a>
That’s it! This also works for affiliate banners, so don’t neglect them.
Hope this has been helpful. Now go forth and beef up your blog!

Monday, 26 September 2016

Proven Ways To Make Money On The Internet.

Sounds interesting? It will be more interesting as you read.
I am going to approach this topic from a totally different angle, as I always do. If you find this article confusing, just keep reading. You will get a clearer picture when I put everything together.
Ok, let’s start with the first proven way……
Proven Way #1 – The easiest way to make money on the internet
Do you want to know what is the easiest way to make money online?
It’s to exchange your time for money.
In other words, you make money by trading your time.
For example, you can sign up as a freelancer at and provide freelancing job to people who need your service. You can also sign up with surveying firms to get paid doing market surveys, or become a mystery shopper to help companies to do market research. If you are good in graphic design, you can also start your own online design company to provide graphic design services.
Trading your time for money is the most basic way to make money. It is also the easiest way to start making money. That’s why most people start with a ‘job’ when they are newly out from school. I hope you can see that a job is just another way to trade time for money.
There is nothing wrong to trade your time for money. In fact, if you are pressed for cash, providing online services, such as freelance services, is probably the best option to start.
Proven Way #2 – The toughest way to make money on the internet
The second proven way to make money online is to exchange your skills for money.
For example, Adsense and affiliate marketing are proven ways to make money on the internet, but you need the skills of search engine optimization, website building, PPC advertising etc before you can make money from these methods.
It is the toughest way to make money because if you do not have the necessary skills, you will have to learn. Learning new skills is ‘tough’ to most people. If you enjoy learning new skills, I’m happy for you. You will be successful soon.
Proven Way #3 – The smartest way to make money on the internet
The third way and also the smartest way is to exchange your idea for money.
The world may be changing everyday, but certain fundamentals will never change. The economy is always looking for means of doing or producing things better, faster, easier and cheaper.
If you can come out with an online idea that can do or produce something better, faster, easier and/or cheaper, you will have your fortune at your fingertips.
Now that you’ve learnt the 3 proven ways to make money on the internet, how about the one and only proven way to LOSE money online?
The Proven Way To Lose Money Online
The proven way to lose money online is to use money to make money.
If you believe that you can make $X and all you have to do is invest $Y, then you are destined to be the victim of the next online scam.
Without time, skill and/or idea, money is useless. Read again!
Don’t get me wrong. Having money will definitely help you to make more money online faster, but it is only true if you use it to buy time, skill and/or idea.
When you outsource your work to freelancers or professional services, you are buying other people’s time and skills.
When you buy into other business opportunities, you are buying the idea.
Do you see what I mean?
Summing up……
In a nutshell, you can either use time, skill and/or idea to make money online. These are the 3 proven ways to make money on the internet. I personally guarantee that. People who fail to make money online are those who refuse to invest time, refuse to learn the skills and refuse to think.

Saturday, 24 September 2016

REAL INTERNET INCOME.: How To Build A Sustainable Online Business.

REAL INTERNET INCOME.: How To Build A Sustainable Online Business.: HOW TO BUILD A SUSTAINABLE ONLINE BUSINESS. Making money online is hard, but building a sustainable online business is even harder. Is it...

How To Build A Sustainable Online Business.


Making money online is hard, but building a sustainable online business is even harder. Is it true? Well, not quite, if you know the secrets.
Over the years, I have seen a couple of marketers who made quite a bit of money online and then quit internet marketing totally. Some of those whom I asked said they find it hard to maintain the income. Eventually, they got tired and gave up.
Like it or not, internet marketing is NOT a job. You can’t expect to be paid months after months, with increments every few years. If that’s what you are looking for, go get a JOB (a.k.a Just Over Broke).
Whether you are doing affiliate marketing, Adsense marketing or providing online services, internet marketing is a business, which means you need to keep on promoting your website or your income will drop. That’s where most ‘once successful’ marketers fail.
I started earning full-time income from the internet since 2006 and it’s been 4 years now. 4 years isn’t long, but I guess the fact that I’m still around and one of my flagship sites,, is still doing well after 3 years, I think I’m qualified to share with you some tips on how to build a sustainable online business.
The Secrets Of Building A Sustainable Online Business
Let’s keep it simple. To me, there are only 2 secrets. 1) Passive income. 2) Passive traffic.
1) Passive Income
I’m sure you are familiar with the term ‘Passive Income’.
Passive income can be built in 2 ways:
i) Selling something with recurring fee, such as MLM, membership program, subscription-based services, etc.
Study your business and ask yourself if it has a passive income model. If it doesn’t, the money you make is just as good as winning a lottery. And you should rethink your business model.
For example, if you are an affiliate marketer in the Forex market, instead of promoting a Forex ebook, you should focus on promoting Forex membership programs. If you are a Forex expert, instead of writing a Forex ebook, you should create a Forex trading system. I believe you get the idea.
ii) Selling a one-time-fee product, but with continuous flow of traffic to make this income recurring.
If you happen to be in an industry that is hard to create a membership program, you will need to have continuous flow of traffic to your website so that there are people buying your ebook or clicking your Adsense ads all the time.
The question is, with so many traffic strategies available, which one should you focus on in order to get this continuous flow of traffic? This is when you need to understand the concept of Passive Traffic.
2) Passive Traffic
Many marketers talk about passive income. But very few marketers talk about passive traffic. To me, passive traffic is more important than passive income. It is an extremely important key to building a sustainable online business.
Passive traffic refers to traffic that come to your website without your active involvement in promoting your website for a few months. If you have an effective passive traffic system for your website, you can at least take a few weeks of break to do something else, such as developing a new business, instead of having to worry about traffic every day.
Is List Traffic Passive?
Thanks to the hype of list building, many people thought if they have a list, they are going to be rich. But the truth is, most ‘once-successful’ marketers have got a huge list, yet they quit.
List traffic is not truly passive. It is what I call recycled traffic. Your list’s interest in you and the product you offer may die sooner than you think, depending on the niche you are in. Hence it’s a good habit not to count on your list as a form of passive traffic.
Passive Traffic You Should Focus On
The first passive traffic is referral traffic. Having a referral system in your website is essential, but not enough. Referral traffic has to be nurtured. You have to give enough reasons for your affiliates to promote your products and services, else you can assume they won’t!
The second passive traffic is search engine traffic. But there is a catch. As you know, the main thing about search engine traffic is link building. To get consistent search engine traffic, you need consistent growth of backlinks to your website. That will be a time-consuming task for many marketers.
Last but not least is advertising traffic. Advertising traffic is not truly passive, but once it’s set up and tested, it can work for some time without much involvement from you. You may have to monitor the conversion regularly, but it’s not an everyday task.
In Conclusion
The best thing that can happen is to build a ‘passive income system’ with a ‘passive traffic system’. This is what I strive to achieve in all my online businesses and probably the reason that they can do well for years.
In this post, I mentioned that referral traffic has to be nurtured. In my next post, I’m going to discuss some ways to nurture your referrals. Stay tuned!

Sunday, 3 July 2016

REAL INTERNET INCOME.: Free Report On How To Watch Your Visitors On Your ...


I've just received 25 banner impressions from EasyHits4U.

I've just received 25 banner impressions from EasyHits4U.: I've just received 25 banner impressions from EasyHits4U.

Free Report On How To Watch Your Visitors On Your Websites, Drive Free Traffic And Made Money Online.


Thank you for signing-up with the Web-Stat affiliate program. Please keep this email for future reference: it contains your login information along with the link that you must use to send people to Web-Stat and start generating income.

If you put a little bit of effort into this program you should achieve a nice level of recurring income within a few months. Some of our affiliates make a living entirely from the Web-Stat affiliate program: all they do is direct traffic to Web-Stat with a recommendation to sign-up for one of our free trial accounts.

In order for you to do the same, simply use the following link to send people to Web-Stat:

NOTE: it is extremely important that you use the exact URL above ; if you do not we will have no way of recording the fact that a particular visitor was sent by you, as a result your account will not get credited when this visitor signs-up for our full service.

You can send traffic to Web-Stat in any way that you think is appropriate, EXCEPT mass e-mailing. Web-Stat is strongly opposed to spam and does not wish for its affiliates to resort to it. The suggested method is a well placed text link on your site with a strong recommendation. You can also use one of our banners available at:

Another popular method is to purchase advertisements online: you will be spending money to generate traffic to your Affiliate URL, but this traffic will convert into sales and you will come out ahead very quickly (usually 2 months). This is the way our most successful affiliates operate.

You can check the results of your work at any time by logging into your affiliate account (use the link at the bottom of our main page):

You will then be given the following information:

-number of people who entered Web-Stat using your affiliate URL
-current number of free-trial accounts created by your referrals
-current number of paying accounts created by your referrals
-your profit sharing percentage
-your monthly income
-your current balance
-the details of all your referrals.

Best regards.


PRAYER POINTS.: How To Fight And Overcome The Enemies Of Progress ...

PRAYER POINTS.: How To Fight And Overcome The Enemies Of Progress ...: HOW TO FIGHT AND OVERCOME THE ENEMIES OF PROGRESS WITH PRAYERS FROM THE BIBLE. We often asked: who are the enemies of progress? Enemie...

Friday, 1 July 2016

PRAYER POINTS.: PRAYER POINTS.: 20 Daily Prayer Points.

PRAYER POINTS.: PRAYER POINTS.: 20 Daily Prayer Points.: PRAYER POINTS.: 20 Daily Prayer Points. : 20 Daily Prayer Points. 1 .My Father! My Father!! My Father!!! Cancel the voice of the accuser ...

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Monday, 13 June 2016

Monday, 30 May 2016

Real Online Jobs.

shared via @Linkis_com

REAL INTERNET INCOME.: Doing Good Through The Power Of Sharing.

REAL INTERNET INCOME.: Doing Good Through The Power Of Sharing.: DOING GOOD THROUGH THE POWER OF SHARING. Why join WowApp?  - WowApp is free and shares over 70% of its own revenue/margin with you. From ...

Good Through : Doing Good Through The Power Of Sharing.


Why join WowApp? - WowApp is free and shares over 70% of its own revenue/margin with you. From what you earn you can donate to one of the 2,000 Charities in 110 countries or cash out for yourself. The choice is yours!

What's unique about WowApp?

1. Earn while you socialize: we share over 70% of our own revenue with the community
2. Use your earnings to do good through Charity
3. Cash out for yourself to a bank account, credit card or PayPal account
4. Call worldwide at the lowest rates; free WowApp to WowApp audio and video calls
5. Private Mode: get the best privacy feature where messages are deleted automatically when you end the chat
Yours truly, 

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Friday, 29 April 2016

Start Recycling, Go Green, Create Revenue

Start Recycling, Go Green, Create Revenue

shared via @Linkis_com

shared via @Linkis_com

REAL INTERNET INCOME.: 7 Reasons We Are Successful And You Are Not.

REAL INTERNET INCOME.: 7 Reasons We Are Successful And You Are Not.: 7 REASONS WE ARE SUCCESSFUL AND YOU ARE NOT . Not Thinking Business One of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen people make is  not  thinkin...

7 Reasons We Are Successful And You Are Not.


Not Thinking Business

One of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen people make is not thinking their business is an “actual business”. It doesn’t matter if you’re online and writing content for your readers, you have to ensure you always have the business mentality. This concept applies especially to those getting started because making the transition from a 9-5 can be difficult. These beginners often get lazy and work odd hours of the day, forgetting their blog is their main source of income. The best way to succeed in these circumstances is to train yourself, still working 9-5, but from home. When you are comfortable, you can shift things around to better fit your schedule. Here’s the point…
A business, whether physical or online, should be treated as a business. If it’s going to be your main source of income, then it’s a business…plain and simple!

You’re Not Passionate

If you don’t love what you do, then you’ll put 50% effort when you should be putting 100%. Having passion for the work you’re involved in will help you stay motivated and go that extra mile that otherwise would have been impossible in other niches you don’t love. Ask any successful person and they’ll tell you they love what they do and kept doing it even when there was no monetary value involved. For example,
Before I started blogging, I did research, trying to find ways to stand out in my niche. During my research, I read several blogs and how they got started. One huge trend I noticed among all the successful bloggers was they made no money for 1-2 years when they first started out. However, they still worked hard because they love what they do and knew they were making a difference helping others. It’s that simple!
If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to be able to put 100% effort without getting anything back in return. Only then will you succeed and others will be able to see your passion in your work. This is great for brand awareness and credibility.

Poor Managing Money

It’s important that you know when to spend your money and when to hold on to it. If you want to buy a new computer, desk, or go out to fancy lunches, then step back and ask yourself this question: Do I really need these things right now? If you’ve just started out, you need to save because hard times can be around the corner. If you’re making huge money online, you still need to be great at managing your finances. The more money, the more problems, which means you waste it on things that might not be good for you or your business.
Only spend money when you know it will help productivity and keep a close eye on your bank account. Set a monthly budget and stick to it because it is better to be safe than sorry.

Not Networking With Others

No matter what business you’re in, you have to learn how to work with others. You’re going to have competition and some of these people have been in your niche for years. They built a strong following through social networks and branding themselves. If you don’t embrace your competition, you won’t last long, so learn how to work with them, helping each other. This is great for you as it does the following…
  • You can learn from their experience
  • Generate traffic through their blog
  • Guest posting opportunities
  • Increase social engagement
  • Build your brand recognition

No Game Plan

Relying on one business model can set you up for failure especially online because it’s so unpredictable. As time goes on, you’ll be hit with adversity and you must have a game plan to overcome these obstacles. Before starting your business, do some research, finding out the problems faced within your industry. You can then come up with a game plan for each obstacle along the way. This helps you stay focused and not lose motivation if you’re hit with the unexpected.
For example, what are you going to do if…
  • Your marketing plan isn’t working?
  • You need to change your website and don’t know coding?
  • Need expert content written?
  • Hosting provider cannot handle your traffic?
Having the answers to these simple questions will keep you from panicking when it happens, so keep an open mind and write out some quick solutions now.

Poor Time Management

Prioritize your time from the start and always give preference to your work before your recreational time. It’s been said that many people simply fail because they don’t know what’s important to them and this keeps their focus in other places other than work. You’ve made the transition to working from home, which can make you very lazy and you now have time that you would not otherwise have when trapped at work from 9-5. When you are running your own business, you won’t have anyone telling you to complete your projects and designate your time for you. You have to be willing to put in time when you have other things to do and, more importantly, learn how to manage your work.

Mr Know It All!

If you think you have all the answers, then it’ll stop you from finding them out. The truth is, you don’t know everything and writing high quality content does require research. If you think you have all the answers, then your content quality will suffer. No one wants to read content that is outdated and provides inadequate information so do your research every time before publishing. It’s better to be safe than sorry and providing up-to-date information means getting rewarded later on.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

PRAYER POINTS.: Power Of Prayer : Read My Prayer Message To You To...

PRAYER POINTS.: Power Of Prayer : Read My Prayer Message To You To...: POWER OF PRAYER : READ MY PRAYER MESSAGE TO YOU TODAY. These days, it’s considered “politically incorrect” to talk about the proven heal...

Saturday, 16 April 2016

REAL INTERNET INCOME.: Making Your First Million Is Easy -- If You Follow...

REAL INTERNET INCOME.: Making Your First Million Is Easy -- If You Follow...: MAKING YOUR FIRST MILLION IS EASY- IF YOU FOLLOW  THESE 6 STEPS . When you think about making a million dollars, does it seem like a far-f...

Making Your First Million Is Easy -- If You Follow These 5 Steps

When you think about making a million dollars, does it seem like a far-fetched goal? Is it something you want to accomplish but just can’t picture happening? This was the case for my friend Ryan Moran -- until his 26th birthday, when he made his first million dollars. Today, at 28 years old, his business generates roughly $500,000 per month.
I was curious what shifts took place that allowed someone so young to go from dreaming of making a million dollars to becoming a multi-millionaire in just a few short years. He told me me, “Making your first million is easy -- if you do these five things.”

1. Surround yourself with people who will stretch your mind.

Since Ryan was a little boy, he has dreamed of owning the Cleveland Indians. Now in his 20s, he realized that in order for him to turn his dream into a reality, he would need to come up with roughly $500 million. For most people, the though of having $500 million liquid to buy a professional sports team is way beyond the range of what is possible. It was for Ryan too -- until he started surrounding himself with people who already played at that level.
He explained that, “You can imagine what it will take to accomplish that type of a goal and by having people at that level as your advisors, they can tell you exactly what you need to do. It may be just a subtle shift in one part of your business, but suddenly what you thought was potentially impossible becomes realistic."
It was that concept of demystifying the impossible that inspired him to host a live event that would bring the people who inspired him together with the goal of helping the next generation of entrepreneurs.
What is your dream that is so big that the thought of accomplishing it seems impossible -- and maybe even scares you? Do you think you would be more likely to accomplish it if you had a group of advisors who were already playing at that level? If so, take action on forming relationships with them, and let them guide you the rest of the way.

2. Re-frame the impossible.

As you surround yourself with the right people, you will need to work on upgrading your mindset. Part of this will require you to recognize your limiting beliefs and re-frame those thoughts. Ryan shared, “When you feel like something is impossible, recognize that it's just the story that you are telling yourself that makes you perceive it to be impossible and not the action itself.” Then it is just a matter of rewriting your story.
To rewrite your own story, ask yourself, “What are the things in my life that scare me and stop me from taking action? Is it the action that really scares me, or is it a false perception that is holding me back? How can I take action and move through it in spite of that fear?”

3. Deliver unexpected value.

Your ability to increase your income hinges on your ability to deliver unexpected value. Most people think the only way they can add more value is by working harder or exchanging money. This is thinking too small. You deliver unexpected value through the connections you can make, the time you can allocate and the problems you can alleviate. 
Big opportunities open up when you building relationships with the right people, invest your time in your highest leverage activities and are a person who solves problems. Break out of the old mindset of thinking that you have to work harder or find a higher-paying job, and start developing the habit of incorporating these three things in your everyday life.

4. Choose your customers wisely.

The easiest way to fast-track your path to a million is to charge more for your products and services. However, when you tell someone to raise their prices, they often push back and say that the market doesn’t allow for that type of increase. This is where you have to choose your customer wisely.
The price a customer is willing to pay is directly tied to the amount of value they receive. If your services deliver a 10 percent sales increase to company that does $1 million in revenue, then you brought $100,000 in value. If you deliver the same 10 percent increase to a $100 million company, your value is exponentially higher. Would the first company pay you $250,000 for your services? No way. Would the second? It is quite possible.
Sometimes what stands in your way from exponential growth is not you or your product. It’s the customer you are targeting. Ryan learned this lesson the hard way. For a few years he had been teaching his business model to people who wanted to start their own companies and was charging $1,000 for this information. A few years later, one of his students was teaching the exact same content but targeting a different group of people charging $100,000!
Ryan realized that he approaching his target market trying to get as many of they to say “yes” as possible, instead of positioning himself as a solution to the elite segment of his market and aligning his pricing accordingly.
The result? He found a select group that was willing to pay 50-times more than his original rates. You will find your path to a million dollars a lot easier if you choose your customers wisely.

5. Invest for the long term.

So many people go for the fast and easy win. While this may work for some, you will find that results come a lot faster when you invest for the long term. I’m not just talking about stocks and real estate. I’m talking about how you spend your time, the people you hire, the relationships you build, the products you develop and the structure of your company. These are all investments.
As Ryan tried to grow his business, he realized many of his struggles were because he was making decisions based on short-term results. Then he made a conscious decision to focus on what would be best for the long-term focus. As a result, he was able to attract better clients who he could actually serve and add real value to, which allowed him to raise his prices. This was when he broke the million-dollar mark.
How much money are you leaving on the table because you are not planning out far enough and laying the foundation for long term success? Incorporate these five steps, and you may find that making your first million is easier than you originally thought.